the firm response of CAF, FECAFOOT and COCAN

There is a lot of talk about the subject. In recent days, the Omicron variant has continued to spread very rapidly throughout Europe. And today, the Premier League clubs clearly fear the complete shutdown of their championship due to the many postponements announced in recent days. Faced with the surge in positive cases on the Old Continent, the African Cup of Nations, which is to be played from January 9 to February 6, 2022, was threatened.

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Clearly, the clubs, English and French in particular, are exerting pressure to retain their African players. The reason ? In addition to having to do without their services for several weeks, these teams fear that the downtime will lengthen with the protocols imposed on their return. This Thursday, Morocco coach Vahid Halilhodzic also publicly declared that some of his internationals had been threatened by their club.

CAF puts things right

“For now, it’s a big battle between different lobbying, he commented. The players are obliged to come to the national team, but all the clubs do everything to ensure that the players do not come, some have threatened players, told them that they could lose their place, be transferred … “ But despite all these threats, CAF (African Football Confederation), FECAFOOT (Cameroonian federation) and COCAN (CAN Organizing Committee) issued a joint statement in order to provide a response, particularly at the level of protocols. sanitary facilities.

“The global COVID 19 pandemic and its various variants demand that we take appropriate and adequate measures to stem the spread of this disease, which constitutes a serious and real danger to populations. However, life must go on and we must learn to live with this disease. In Cameroon, as elsewhere, effective and reliable measures have been taken within the framework of a coherent and already proven response system. The Government has developed a special anti-COVID health protocol applicable to CAN. But in less than 25 days, the 24 best football teams on the continent must compete in the 2021 TotalEnergies Africa Cup of Nations and specific measures must be taken in connection with this important and prestigious event. As many know, organized football is an important lever for integration, peace and unity between peoples. It is also a catalyst of hope, a vector of common values ​​and a carrier of joie de vivre that transcends difficulties and differences. Thus, despite the additional challenge posed by this pandemic, our CAN must now be played out. Its solemn opening ceremony is scheduled for January 9, 2022 at the Olembé Sports Complex. Its organization must obviously prevent the CAN in itself constituting an additional endangerment both for the population residing in Cameroon and for participants and spectators from elsewhere. The CAN can and must promote the rigorous adherence of participants and supporters to all the barrier measures known and developed to date to fight against said viruses: washing and disinfection of hands, physical distancing, correct wearing of a mask. and vaccination. In view of the above, the Government of Cameroon, represented by the Minister of Health and the Minister of Sports and Physical Education, CAF and FECAFOOT decide as follows:

  • 1. Supporters will only be able to access the stadiums in which the CAN 2021 matches will be played if they are fully vaccinated and present a negative PCR test of less than 72 hours or a negative anti-gene RDT of less than 24 ”.

  • 2. The competent health authorities will take all necessary measures to facilitate vaccination and the performance of COVID tests at all competition sites.

In addition, for the sake of objectivity and neutrality and in order to guarantee confidence-building measures on both sides, CAF will call on an internationally recognized independent laboratory to test the players of qualified national teams and their supervision. . “


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