The Congress approves the budgets with the amendment of Compromís that will give funds to promote Asturianu

Finally, the Congress approved the amendment of the Chunta Aragonesista presented in the Senáu by Compromís on the European Charter of the Languages. Asturies will distribute the 1.6 million euros of this item.

“Promotion and dissemination of protected languages ​​by the European Charter of Rexonal or Minoritarian Languages, to the autonomous communities of Galicia, Asturies, Euskadi, Navarra, Aragon, Catalonia, Valencia, Balearic Islands”, states the amendment presented by Senator Carles Mulet. This was supported, in addition to the ERC, the Junts and the EAJ-PNV, with the intention of delaying the approval of the budgets. Javier Maroto justified the position of the group in which they voted “all the amendments to the PXE of other groups that coincide with our position”, pointing out that the PP has been supporting the Charter “since 1992”.

The Congress ratified by 281 votes in favor, 62 against and 1 abstention this approved amendment last Wednesday in the Senate.


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