The condition that Peñarol would put Boca for Canobbio

Catino, manager of Manya, assured that they would expect “financial compensation” from Xeneize, if the midfielder leaves the club without renewing.

The Soccer Council and the Boca leadership are already thinking about setting up the squad for next season. Agustín Canobbio, a gem from Peñarol, is one of those targeted. Y From the leadership of Manya they already think of a condition for Xeneize, in case they advance …

The midfielder ends his contract in December. Rodolfo Catino, director of the Uruguayan club, He explained that they are working on a renovation, and he also understands that the Xeneize can get in the way.

“We could reach an agreement if there was the possibility of financial compensation for our club from Boca. If so, Agustín’s departure would occur without problem and without the need to renew, “he said in an interview with Boca Radio World.

In this sense, the leader assured that they contemplate “the possibility that there is an agreement before signing your contract.” In turn, he affirmed that “he is a player who can contribute a lot to Boca.” And he sentenced: “It would be ideal for him to go because we are very similar clubs. More than (Nahitan) Nández I see him as similar to Manteca Martínez. He is a very supportive player, with a lot of sacrifice and great speed with control of the ball “.

Agustin Canobbio

What Canobbio said about Boca’s interest

“I sympathize with Boca, yes. If I’m honest I have no idea what my destiny holds, I try to enjoy what I experienced a few hours ago”, He affirmed in dialogue with Tuya y mía, by Espectador 810, a local radio, referring to the obtaining of the Uruguayan Championship 2021.

Finally, Canobbio assured: “I don’t know if Boca is a rumor, they haven’t told me anything. Obviously I want to continue growing soccer and personally. But I don’t know what is being talked about. “The truth is that according to the player’s side, his contract with Peñarol still has one more year ahead of him, and Manya’s intention is to extend the bond with him. Will Boca rush to negotiate it before the hypothetical renewal?

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