The biggest pinch of Asturias: Judo Avilés deals a blow to the Lottery that is worth millions

At 1:21 p.m., with little hope, the news broke. The children of the Colegio de San Ildefonso sang the last prize of the extraordinary draw of the Christmas Lottery, the last fifth of the day: “89,109 … 60,000 euros. 89,109 … 60,000 euros ”. At that precise moment – with the draw practically finished – a fortune of 3.6 million euros traveled to the administration number 9 of Avilés, located at number 26 of Avenida Fernández Balsera. Of that total, 2.7 million fell on the Avilés Judo Club, which had several series of 89,109 in shares of five euros, of which the buyer played four and donated another to the sports institution. “The most beautiful thing of all is that it is tremendously distributed. I can’t even imagine the amount of people who had participations, “the club’s technical director and vice president, Carlos Fernández, celebrated with euphoria.

The same fifth prize also left a pinch in Remasal, a mechanical repair company Avilesina. “The tenths are widely distributed between workers and clients. We have not stopped to celebrate anything because we have to continue working the shift ”, explained Víctor Vega, from the company’s administration. Despite the fact that the award is a gift to spend a good Christmas season, it will not allow your lucky ones to stop working.

Another 6,000 euros fell in the neighboring council of Corvera. The administration number 7 of Jovellanos Street in Las Vegas sold one of the tenths that the vending machine randomly to a person whose identity, at the moment, is unknown. “It was a number that the terminal issued. What little he has touched I hope it has been in a family that needs it and can enjoy it. I am sure they are neighbors of the neighborhood and that makes me very excited ”, commented Carlos Artime, the person in charge of the administration. Thanks to those 3.6 million, in the end Asturias added 4.9 million euros in the allocation of the main prizes of the most anticipated draw of the year.

Above, in the center, Carlos Fernández, celebrates the award with the staff of the Avilesina administration of Fernández Balsera. Mara Villamuza

To the overflowing joy in the administration of the Avenida Fernández Balsera de Avilés, the so-called Xana Dorada, dozens of winners were added in the bathroom of millions yesterday morning. The first to arrive, on the verge of tears, was Patricia Zapatero, mother of one of the Judo Avilés girls. “I always buy a lottery and I have never received anything. I can’t believe it ”, he celebrated with tears in his eyes for the five participations, which will translate into 6,000 euros.

The next to arrive at the administration was the club’s vice president, Carlos Fernández. “I was in the gym, on my bike, and my cell phone started ringing all the time. At first I feared the worst, because the last thing you expect is for the whole family to call you to tell you that they have won the lottery, “he explained. Fernández classified the award as “an ippon (full point in judo) to the covid.” The vice-president of the club was euphoric at having distributed so many five-euro shares in numerous places.

“We have been playing the Christmas Lottery at the club for 20 years and I had never played or played it”, added Fernández, who explained the anecdote of this award: “For a group that we have we passed four numbers and it was the judocas themselves who they chose 89.109. They couldn’t have made a better choice ”.

Laureano Rodríguez with Desiré Guillem, Conchi Rodríguez and Rosa García. Mara Villamuza

Another of those who came to the administration was Miguel Caamaño, also graced by the fifth prize. Caamano had four shares, 4,800 euros. “Being happier is impossible right now. For now I’m going to save it, but I had already planned to go to the snow in February and it will be a good time to spend part of it, “he acknowledged. With 11 participations in his pocket – a total of 13,200 euros – Desirée Guillem, a collaborator of the Club Judo Avilés, arrived at Fernández Balsera. “I was the one who had the whole lottery saved at home to be sealed. I do not even want to think about the millions that I had piled up there, “said the lucky neighbor, who acknowledged being” delighted to distribute so much money among so many people. ”

All those who went through the administration to celebrate it agreed on one thing, that they had almost no hope that it would touch anything with the draw already almost finished. “We had to wait until the last moment. It was a heart attack ”, admitted Guillem with a glass of champagne in hand. “More people have called me to ask where it is charged than to celebrate it,” joked Carlos Fernández, who claimed that he had more than 200 messages on his cell phone still unanswered. “I will not say what I have, but every year I usually take what people do not want in the end and it is enough,” said Fernández.

The holders of the administration place the poster of the award. | Mara Villamuza

The party did not stop there. After digesting the amount of money that each one carried with their participation, the members of the Avilés Judo Club met yesterday afternoon at the gates of the El Quirinal sports complex to celebrate the fifth prize all together bathed in champagne. It was there that María Gutiérrez appeared, another of the winners of the award, but in her particular case with a total of 15 entries, which will cost her 18,000 euros: “I didn’t even have time to think about what I’m going to do with it. I feel as if the Fat Man had touched me ”.

It was precisely she who called Rocío Vidal by phone to give her the news. “I will take a trip with the children,” celebrated Vidal, who bought five tickets, for which he will take 6,000 euros. Javier Rad, judoka of the club, celebrated his two participations (2,400 euros), but was more than happy for the twenty he sold to his family and friends: “I was in the office working when I found out and I started screaming like crazy.”

On the left, Rosa García, Laureano Rodríguez and Conchi Rodríguez, yesterday, celebrating the award. | MARA VILLAMUZA

The administration of the award opened a month ago: “It has been to arrive and kiss the saint”

“It is an unbeatable situation to distribute happiness.” Words by Rosa García, one of the lotteries of the Avilesina administration in which the highest community prize was distributed. La Xana Dorada opened on November 8 and with barely a month and a half of life it has already distributed its first stroke of fortune. “It has been to arrive and kiss the saint,” celebrates Conchi Rodríguez, the other lottery of the Fernández Balsera administration and García’s sister-in-law. “Before we had a company of personal protective equipment,” he explains.

The heads of the administration found out thanks to Laureano Rodríguez, Conchi’s brother, who ran up the street shouting: “Let’s give a fifth, let’s give a fifth!” With hardly any reaction time, Rodríguez quickly went to buy several bottles of champagne to celebrate in the administration with the owners, the media and the winners who were arriving as they found out. “It is a very important milestone for this administration. It is very distributed by Spain and that is something fantastic. I cannot express how pleased and happy I am ”, celebrated Laureano Rodríguez.

For her part, Rosa García assured that she has entered “an exciting world”, referring to her new profession as a lottery. “I cannot be happier to see the number of people who have won the award in a time as complicated as the one we are experiencing. There is no better one to receive a pinch of this type ”, she celebrated with the bottle of champagne in her hand and still somewhat disoriented by the news. “The truth is that we did not expect to give a prize from the Christmas Lottery. I am not going to deny that the day before you dream about it, but in principle we hoped that the day would be somewhat calm, “said Conchi Rodríguez among the crowd that went through the administration to see what was happening. “I cannot express all the joy I feel at this moment. We saw that the draw was progressing and that the possibilities were running out. And he had to come out last. It’s something wonderful, “concluded the lottery.

That’s right, with just a month and a half since its opening, the Xana Dorada debuted in the most anticipated draw of the year in style. A whopping 3.6 million euros distributed among a large number of neighbors, relatives and tourists from all over Spain. “We were placing things in the administration and the last thing we expected was this,” acknowledged the happy lotteries.

Luis Salvador, in his Spass brewery, watching the lottery. | MARA VILLAMUZA

The tradition of sharing tenths from all over Spain

“Here in the family we all play a dozen tickets each year. In addition, we have the shares of the Holy Week brotherhoods of Avilés that we sell during the year at the bar, ”said Luis Salvador from the Avilesina Spass brewery, on Calle San Francisco. Every December 22 this family has a very special appointment. For them, the Lottery is a tradition full of illusion. They tend to collect tenths from different parts of Spain that family and friends from the central business send them. Some came from Madrid and Malaga, but without much luck this year.

Patricia Toro, inside her business in Piedras Blancas. | NO

The lucky dragonfly stays at the gates in Piedras Blancas

The luck of the extraordinary Christmas raffle was not this year with the business of Patricia Toro, owner of a kiosk in Piedras Blancas (Castrillón). For the most superstitious she had them all with her, but it was not like that. When he started selling his Christmas lottery tickets, a dragonfly entered his business. When she was going to kick her out of the place, a neighbor told her not to even think about it, that they brought good luck. When the first batch of the number it was selling finished, the insect left the kiosk on its own. A fact to which he did not give more importance if it were not for the fact that when he replaced the numbers, he went back in. “At that moment I thought I would play,” says Toro.



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