The author of Hanebado! prepare re Cervin, a new fantasy manga

After saying goodbye to the badminton universe, Hamada-sensei will set her sights on something that reminds me of Castlevania

Hanebado!“It is a work of which, personally, I quite enjoyed which was adapted as anime. Also, this universe of badminton is one in which its author, Hamada Kousuke, was submerged for more than six years. Now, it has been communicated that Hamada-sensei will once again return to action, although in this case through a story named “re Cervin” that will have little to do with his sporting work.

re Cervin is new from the author of Hanebado !, and has little to do with badminton

Then I leave you with the first image of “Re Cervin” as well as the first brushstrokes at the information level that have been shared about this manga (via MangaMogura):

The first image of re Cervin gives me a lot of ‘vibes’ to Castlevania
  • re Cervin is described as a ‘dark fantasy’ manga. ✔️
  • It will be published weekly through the magazine. Weekly Big Comic Spirits. ✔️
  • The first chapter will see the light during the January 8, 2022, through issue 6 of 2022 of Weekly Big Comic Spirits. ⁇
  • For the moment no description provided for this new story. ❌

Personally, I have to say that the one who seems to be the main character (or one of them) in “re Cervin” reminds me very vividly of “Castlevania”, and that it is also said that this story will be a ‘dark fantasy’ gives me that it is not by chance. In any case, at this point all that can be done is speculate, because as I say what you see here is what has been confirmed about this new manga.

Ultimately, I want to mention for those who are waiting more anime of “Hanebado!” that, initially, it would be possible to produce more without complications. In the end, Only 7 volumes of the manga were adapted with the first season, while a total of 16 ended up being published.. Although there is no indication that an announcement is going to be made at this time, it is also not something to throw in the towel at this point.


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