Tennis alert due to outbreak in a wedding in Córdoba – News

The wedding of tennis player Andrea Collarini last Saturday in Córdoba yielded several positive cases of Covid-19, among them of the boyfriends, and several of the Argentine tennis players present are isolated and awaiting the result of the swabs.

Federico Coria; Tomás Etcheverry; his coach, Carlos Berlocq; Juan Ignacio Londero; Facundo Bagnis; Renzo Olivo; Andrés Molteni and Guido Andreozzi are part of the group of guests.

Everyone they would miss the start of the season and could be left out of the Australian Open, the first Grand Slam of the year, which is played in January in Melbourne.

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Collarini, who married Delfina Novillo Corvalán in Córdoba, has a fever and tested positive as his wife. Therefore, all those attending the party had to isolate themselves and test themselves.

The charter flight that was going to transfer them to Australia from Chile, on December 27, was put on hold pending the results of the PCR tests.

Several of the players were already in the main draw of the Australian Open, which will be played between January 17 and 30. Others hoped to be able to play the tournaments of the previous tour of the oceanic country and the qualification for the Grand Slam in Melbourne.

In addition, Coria and Molteni had planned to be part of the Argentine team that will participate in the ATP Cup between January 1 and 9.

The Australian authorities ask for a complete vaccination scheme and they are very rigorous with the health protocols to participate in the tournaments that are held in their country.



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