State Secretary Paul Blokhuis and European ministers demand action from sports federations through open letter | Sport

“Many international sports federations are transparent and democratic, but many are not. The decision-making process of these federations needs to be reformed,” the letter reads. “Now is the time for action.”


The letter was drawn up at the initiative of the Scandinavian countries in response to discussions about next year’s World Cup in Qatar. FIFA’s choice of Qatar as host country is highly controversial because of the human rights situation in that country. “That decision was clearly wrong,” says Danish minister Ane Halsboe-Jørgensen. “Hopefully this European statement can help in the future to prevent a major sporting event such as the World Cup ending up in a country like Qatar.”

Many European countries, including the Netherlands, are pushing for improvements in the human rights situation and working conditions in the Arab country in the run-up to the World Cup. “We are now putting political pressure on the international sports federations,” says Halsoe-Jørgensen. “In the future, we and our national sports federations can use this statement as proof that the vast majority of EU countries want more openness and more democracy in international sport. Hopefully we will soon see decisions from sports federations that are more based on values ​​such as democracy, transparency and human rights.”


Almost all European ministers and state secretaries who signed the letter are responsible for sport in their country. The politicians also call on the federations to pay more attention to the situation of guest workers, children, LGBTI people and minorities in the countries where major sporting events are held.

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