Spartans closes the regular season with a new win | Basketball 123

Superliga Press

To close a day full of basketball, Spartans Distrito Capital (11-1) faced Diablos de Miranda (4-8) in a crucial duel for the miranda on the eve of their playoff qualification. The match ended in favor of the capital by a score of 95-79, who finished first in group A. Diablos, meanwhile, was eliminated.

Closed duel

Spartans already classified and with the first place secured, he took to the field with an alternative team (Centeno, Vargas, Parker, Sifontes and Rodríguez). At first, the Mirandinos took advantage of this and with great Kelvin Caraballo they took advantage first. But with the passing of the minutes and the departure of Caraballo (due to injury) Spartans found their game and with a pair of triples they took the advantage to end the quarter 20-16.

With the arrival of the second period, the first appearance of the Spartans headlines also arrived, for their part Devils again had the presence of Kelvin Caraballo and “Professor” Martín Escobar who were successful in the face of the basket and kept the match very close. For his part Adonte Parker It was the main offensive weapon of the Spartans who went up in the half time by score of 40-38.

Capital tranquility

The second half began with several of the capital’s starters on the field, being Windi Graterol the most prominent of his cause, though José “Grillito” Vargas he also had some important annotations. For his part Caraballo and Escobar they continued as the best of Devils and despite being always close in the set, after 30 minutes of action those of Pablo Favarel they took again 67-62 advantage.

In the last quarter the triples of side and side began to fall, with Yohanner Sifontes being the protagonist of Spartans and Juan Mejías and Argenis Indriago by heck. Spartans He was always in the lead on the scoreboard and knew how to calmly manage his advantage that ended up being 95-79.

Featured Players

The best scorers in Spartans They were: Windi Graterol with 18 points, 3 assists and 2 blocks; Yohanner Sifontes seconded it with 17 points, 6 rebounds and 9 assists.

By Devils the best was Kelvin Caraballo what did he write down 22 units, recovered 3 balls and lowered 11 rebounds (double-double); Martin Escobar I note 18 points and gave 2 assists.



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