Skeleton star Bos retains lead in World Cup despite poor tenth place

Skeleton star Kimberley Bos has kept her first place in the world ranking with pain and effort. In Altenberg she did not get further than tenth place, but that was enough to stay ahead of the German winner Tina Hermann.

Bos, who triumphed last week during the World Cup in Winterberg, previously announced that the track in Altenberg is not her favorite. This also became apparent during the first run, in which she did not go further than twelfth place.

De Gelderse then managed to limit the damage with a good second run, in which she was more than half a second faster. Bos finished 1.41 behind Hermann, who came to a total time of 1.59.03.

Tenth place is Bos’ lowest ranking this World Cup season.

Continued world cup

Three more World Cups are scheduled for this winter. The skeleton girls will travel this year to Sigulda in Latvia (December 31), again to Winterberg (January 7) and the closing event will be in Sankt Moritz (January 14).

Bos’ main goal is, of course, in Beijing, where she will compete for an Olympic medal on 11 and 12 February.


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