Shaq shocked by Enes Kanter’s words

Ultra-critical of the stars and legends of the league for a few days, Enes Kanter recently attacked His Highness, Michael Jordan. A cheeky speech, which Shaquille O’Neal did not appreciate at all!

Author of his worst season since his arrival in the league, he has found a way to continue to be talked about in the US media. A means strongly criticized, nevertheless. Relegated to the end of the Celtics bench since his return this summer, Enes Kanter has a historically low playing time for him (12.7 minutes per game), as well as averages worthy of his rookie year (4.6 points, 6.2 rebounds).

However, it is his commitment outside the field that allows him to see his name survive in the news. Very talkative and concerned by the struggles linked to social discrimination, the Boston hub does not hesitate to attack big names in the NBA for their actions. His favorite target is none other than LeBron James, to whom he has been addressing big reproaches for weeks.

Shaq destroys Kanter for his words about Jordan

Lately, Kanter has decided to go after a legend of the orange ball, none other than … Michael Jordan. According to the Turkish big man, the Bulls icon is not involved enough in the Black Lives Matter cause, or in all the fights related to the black community. His ultra-aggressive criticism of His Airness were also the subject of a response of the same ilk from … Shaquille O’Neal, in his Big Podcast.

I understand your beef with LeBron, but don’t talk like that about what Jordan is doing for the black community. I don’t know your name, I don’t intend to memorize your name, and I don’t give a fuck about your name change.

Because yes, Kanter did indeed legal procedures for adopting a new surname the last days.

According to Shaquille O’Neal, Jordan would not deserve such blame for his commitment to the black community. Diesel therefore did not hesitate to take back his interlocutor in a strong way, and to make him understand that he should no longer express himself in this way about MJ. We must therefore believe that he believes that Mike is doing what is necessary to help the cause dear to his heart.

Although he often has easy cropping, Shaq still knows how to be much less firm when speaking about current players. To his eyes, a superstar emerges for example very clearly for the title of MVP this season. As you can imagine, this is obviously not Enes Kanter, who could more claim to the Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Social Justice Champion Award!

Shaquille O’Neal has absolutely not tasted Enes Kanter’s recent comments on Michael Jordan, and has not hesitated to let him know. To see if the interior of the C’s will dare to respond to the Big Cactus, or if he will prefer to follow his advice!


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