Quim Torra and Lluís Llach, against the Winter Olympics in the Pyrenees

The Stop JJOO platform has announced the incorporation intothe manifestot For a living Pyrenees, we stop the Winter Olympics of new personalities from the world of politics and culture, including the former president of the Generalitat for Junts per Catalunya, Quim Roast; the musician and singer Lluís Llach; the human rights activist and Member of Parliament, Ruben Wagensberg; or the former CUP member of parliament Anna Gabriel.

Thus, as announced by the platform, Torra has argued that “it is necessary for the government to begin to change priorities and be able to rethink its commitment to mass tourism, large-format leisure or operations out of tune with the popular will, as well as taking into account the real needs of the counties and not imposing a candidacy for the Barcelona-Pyrenees Winter Olympics ».

In parallel, Gabriel remarked that “The Winter Olympics must be stopped. In the Pyrenees, Mallorca or Alicante, a change in the socio-economic model is needed. They are turning the Catalan Countries into a resort and we already know that this means more precariousness, more inequality and more destruction for our environment for women workers. ”

For his part, Wagensberg has shown “that the Winter Olympics are all over incompatible with a fair and sustainable socio-economic model with the environment ”.

The manifesto was presented publicly on November 10 with the initial support of about forty personalities from the Pyrenees, including athletes Kílian Jornet, Núria Vilarrubla and Araceli Segarra, the philosopher Xavi Antich, the musicians Alidé Sans and Sergi Carbonell, from the group Txarango, the publisher Jordi Creus and the economist Lourdes Beneria.

Stop JJOO recalled that it continues to gather collective and personal support for the manifesto, both in the Pyrenees, in the Catalan Countries and everywhere, via the website https://stopjjoo.cat/manifest/. ».



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