Oto Zulueta gives basketball clinic in Mixquiahuala

The basketball player Oto Zulueta offered a clinic to children and youth from Mixquiauhuala at the Gymnasium of Multiple Use. The two-time champion of the ABE League with the Borregos of the Tec de Monterrey campus Hidalgo and who debuted in 2021 in professionalism with the Lumberjacks of Durango of the SISNOVA League of the LNBP, talked about his beginnings in burst sport.

«From the age of two I started to dribble the ball for my father who is a coach. At 16 years of age they called me to a camp to go to the National Team, I did not stay and I thought about leaving everything, then the scholarship at Tec came and we won two ABE League titles. This year I debuted in professionalism with Leñadores, for the beginning of 2022 I will go to a League in Chihuahua, I hope to improve and consolidate myself and then aspire to the National Team “, commented the nobleman.

Zulueta took the time to play for a few minutes with each of the little ones who accompanied him in the activity, he showed his skills with the ball, the assistants gave him a standing ovation for the gesture.

Mixquiahuala is one of the municipalities in the state with the greatest work in child and youth categories of the burst sport.

By Gerardo Campa


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