Östersund: Sturla Laegreid wins the individual ahead of Tarjei Boe, Frenchman Simon Desthieux on the podium

No, Sturla Laegreid hasn’t lost any of her shot. Physically reduced and behind on the track in Ostersund (Sweden), Sturla Holm Laegreid (Norway) repeated her performance from last year by removing the first individual of the season on Saturday. The holder of the world of the specialty achieved a new 20/20 to beat his stainless compatriot Tarjei Boe (2nd, 18/20) and Simon Desthieux (3rd, 18/20), respectively beaten by 59 “and 1’00”.

The Habs interfered between four Norwegians since Johannes Boe (5th, 18/20) and Sivert Bakken (6th, 20/20) gave the impression of a quadruple for the queen nation of biathlon. It was more complicated for the leaders of the French clan despite the good skiing times of Quentin Fillon Maillet (3 faults) and Emilien Jacquelin (6 faults).


Desthieux, dad reassured but not satisfied: “I’m still a little over my hunger …”

11/27/2021 At 6:18 PM

A blue smile, but leaders in retreat

He was the last to set off on the Blues side (bib 57), the one whose ambitions we never know how to decipher. Simon Desthieux is however not unknown on this so demanding Swedish track. Remember, he was Martin Fourcade’s runner-up during the unreal French quadruplet in Ostersund in 2019. A second place that only escaped him today for a small second in favor of Tarjei Boe.

Despite Guigonnat’s help, Desthieux narrowly missed out on 2nd place

Desthieux even came close to winning, if he had not let out the ball too much on the last standing (4/5). On arrival, the gardening enthusiast can be satisfied with a first podium and a speed of movement already at the rendezvous (5th ski time).

Physical predispositions already demonstrated in Sjusjoen (Norway) and confirmed on the Scandinavian site with the best ski time for Emilien Jacquelin (35th, 14/20), the 3rd time for Fabien Claude (11th, 16/20) and the 7th time for Quentin Fillon Maillet (8th, 17/20). The first quoted, despite a preparation truncated by a wrist injury, has passed a course on skis. All that is left is to correct the approximations on the firing point, even if the tricky conditions of the day did not help.

In the race for the podium, Eduard Latypov takes the wrong path and loses precious time

Norway in force, Johannes Boe in management

The tricolor management has no time to waste because the Norwegian rival is already launched to very high heights. Apart from the demonstration of mastery by Sturla Laegreid (24 years old), Tarjei Boe responded with in particular the 6th ski time of the day. The oldest of the Boe siblings edged out his younger brother on the track, only 10th in skiing time.

Sick and weakened since the middle of the month, Johannes Boe did not overplay on the track and ensured against the targets (18/20) to clinch 5th place. The triple holder of the big globe proclaims to whoever wants to hear it that his main objective remains the Beijing Games, scheduled for February.

Symbol of the Norwegian form, Sivert Bakken displayed all his mastery of the elements to afford his career best result in the World Cup, just a second behind the leader of the “Norge”. A king who can fear fierce competition draped in the same banner. Sturla Laegreid took pleasure in reminding him of this this Saturday.

Boe, Shiffrin, Pinturault, Kim … The 10 stars expected from the Beijing Olympics, at D-100


Pre-season: Tarjei Boe ready across the board, Jacquelin and Braisaz very much on the go

11/14/2021 At 3:03 PM


Pre-season: Simon, it starts strong

11/13/2021 At 7:10 PM


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