Olympic V Judo Abe Uta “The Best Year” This year’s kanji is “laughs” | Kahoku Shimpo Online News / ONLINE NEWS

Uta Abe, a judo girl who attended the event.”Laughter” was added to this year’s kanji character = 9th, in Tokyo

Uta Abe (Nippon Sport Science University), a 52-kilometer gold medal for the Tokyo Olympics Judo, attended a beauty-related event in Tokyo on the 9th and said, “I think I can finish it in the best year. At the end, I’ll laugh and finish. ” “Laughs” was mentioned as one kanji character this year.

At the Olympics, he was at the top of the 66-kilometer class for boys, just like his older brother, 123 (Park 24). On this day, both brothers and sisters appeared in kimono-style costumes based on red called “game color”. “I think the first match after the Olympics will be waiting in 2022. I will make an effort to see the further evolved Uta Abe. I want to make it more than 21 years old,” he said.

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