Mauricio Kuri receives medalists who participated in the Junior Pan American Games – Diario de Querétaro

The governor of the state, Mauricio Kuri González, held a meeting with the Queretaro medalists who participated in the last Junior Pan American Games in Cali-Valle 2021, in Colombia, where he recognized their performance during the sports event.

This sporting event took place from November 25 to December 5, where 14 athletes from Queretaro participated, seven women and seven men, for which the president said that they are a source of pride for the entity.

Kuri González pointed out that, thanks to their effort and dedication, they are an example for the youth and future generations, since they have traced a path in which “yes, we can” is available to all, which is motivation for those and future generations. those who seek to excel.

He also congratulated the athletes for winning three gold medals, four silver medals and two bronze medals, leaving the name of the state and the country very high at the international level.

The athletes from Queretaro who won the medals were Erick Josué Portillo Rodríguez, winner of a gold medal in Athletics; Ascanio Fernández P. Urbina, winner of gold and silver medals in Swimming; Carlos Daniel Vaca Cordero, winner of gold and silver medals in Archery, and Rosa Astrid De la Luz Azuara, winner of silver medal in Boxing.

Likewise, they obtained a medal Sandra Elena Escamilla Menchaca, winner of a silver medal in Women’s Wrestling; Paloma García Moctezuma, bronze medal winner in Taekwondo and Pedro Uriel Bello Soto, bronze medal winner in Greco-Roman Wrestling.



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