Ludovica Cutuli from Ragusa, finalist in Miss Italy 2021 | The proclamation on December 19 in streaming

Ludovica Cutuli from Ragusa is in the final at Miss Italy 2021.

Ludovica, 20, university student, is passionate about sports, loves to dance and sing. He delights in the kitchen and defines himself as an empathic person who is eager to listen.

For several years on the catwalk, she has participated in various beauty contests and fashion shows. The family of the 21-year-old from Ragusa has always supported this passion: “My family supports me a lot – he says -; she is proud of me and will always be close to me whatever path I decide to take. “

The beautiful woman from Ragusa dreams of cinema: “My favorite actor is Christian De Sica because every time I see a film in which he plays he puts me in a great mood and I would like to possess his same charisma one day! I have a lively character, strong tenacious, I am determined, courageous and curious, but I am also stubborn, touchy and messy, a chronic disorderly. “

The well-known beauty contest, born in 1939, like last year, is broadcast exclusively on the web and this year has become a miniseries available in streaming between 12 and 19 December on the Helbiz Live platform.

These are the 20 finalists candidates for the title of Miss Italy 2021:

Ludovica Cutuli

Francesca Bessone

Francesca Mamè

Beatrice Farina

Anna Sofia Chicco

Erika Rebbelato

Debora Pattarello

Alessia Cardinale

Greta Iotti

Daniela Ruggirello

Martina Spezzaferro

Angelica Marini

Giulia Talia

Beatrice Scolletta

Lorena Tonacci

Palm Zeudi

Gabriella Bagnasco

Francesca Russo

Denise Angelini

Elena Meloni

These are the Miss Italia Social Finalists:

Ilaria Fiocchetti

Ilaria Campanile

Claudia Torchia

Erika Arena

Martina Salvatore

Paola Gambina

Giada Rumè

Alessia Zero

Francesca Ibba

Chiara Manca.

Live from Venice, on the evening of December 19th, the grand finale of Miss Italia will be broadcast exclusively on Helbiz Live.


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