Laso: “We will wait for Yabusele until the last moment, but we will not risk it” – Basketball

Madrid, Dec 13 (EFE) .- Pablo Laso, Real Madrid coach, confirmed the casualties of Alberto Abalde, Carlos Alocen and Trey Thompkins for Tuesday’s game against Alba Berlin and pointed out that they will wait for Guerschon Yabusele “until the last moment “, although also that it would not be logical to” risk “.

“Trey, Carlos and Alberto need days. As for Yabusele, the tests they have carried out have gone well, but a bit like what happened on Sunday we are going to wait until the last minute to make a decision. What is clear is that we are not going to risk. If it were up to him, he would have already played on Sunday, “Laso said at a telematic press conference.

Alba Berlin did not get off to a good start to the Euroleague, but in recent weeks they have been able to beat Maccabi and AX Milan.

“They maintain many of the good things they had with Aíto (García Reneses, their coach last season). Maodo Lo and Tamir Blatt lead the team well. He is a better scorer and Blatt makes the team play more. Abroad they have had injuries. to Markus Eriksson, who has a lot of threat of three points and has been key in those victories, “said the coach.

“Then they always play with a tall ‘3’ like Louis Olinde or Yovel Zoosmann and then they have a battery of pivots that alternate the position of ‘4’ and ‘5’ like Luke Sikma, Tim Schneider, Ben Lammers or Oscar Da Silva and then they have Christ Koumadje, “Laso continued.

“They have had casualties, but they compete very well and their coach Israel González makes them recognizable in their game,” he added.

Laso also spoke of the regularity of his team and the free throws, which in recent games have been below the usual.

“I don’t like talking about defense and attack differently. If we defend well we will attack better and if we attack efficiently we will be able to position ourselves earlier and defend better. The two things are linked. In recent games we have had bad percentages in free throws and in shots of 2, but we have been better in triples. The consistency costs with this schedule, “he stressed.

At home, in the Euroleague, Madrid have won the seven games they have played.

“It is one of the keys why we are at the top of the standings and why the victories away are more prominent. However, we have lost at home in the league,” concluded Pablo Laso.


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