Kristine Jiménez celebrates her most special gift in networks this Christmas

The Panamanian judoka Kristine Jiménez celebrated on social networks a very special gift that she received this Christmas.

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Through her Instagram account, the Olympic athlete shared with his followers the moment in which he gave the “yes” to his fiancé Adonis.

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In a first video, his sentimental partner is seen on his knees, very romantically placing the engagement ring on her finger. Then, both celebrate the moment with an affectionate hug, and then kiss.


In past interviews, Jiménez has counted the great support that Adonis represents for her in her sporting and personal life.

“My partner has been a very influential person throughout my sports career, he is also an athlete and understands everything that one goes through … it has been of great positive help, both in the technical-tactical part of judo, as well as in the psychological and emotional part … it is very important because it has always had a positive influence on my life, “he told this medium last July.


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