Kraay: ”Herman van Drie is going to buy Feyenoord with two friends”

Hans Kraay Jr. is sure that Feyenoord will be bought by a surprising name: the ex-member of the supervisory board Herman van Drie. Kraay met the millionaire in a restaurant and he confided the news to him.

“Pass it on to Chris Woerts: Herman van Drie is going to buy Feyenoord with two friends,” says Kraay in the football talk show. Veronica Inside. Van Drie would be high in the Quote 500 with 700 million euros, together with his two brothers, Wilfred Genee reports in the program.

Van Drie does not want to respond substantively to the words of Hans Kraay Jr., the millionaire says in conversation with Algemeen Dagblad. Van Drie is of the opinion that steps should be taken with the Rotterdam club. ”For example, the club and the stadium must be brought together in one organization. I also refrain from making announcements.”


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