Korea Open badminton kicks off after 3 years

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2020 and 2021 tournaments canceled due to COVID-19

Korea Open badminton kicks off after 3 years
[Seoul=Newsis]From left, Kim Taek-gyu, president of the Korea Badminton Association, Heo Seok, mayor of Suncheon, and Park Gye-ok, president of the Jeonnam Badminton Association. (Photo=provided by the Korea Badminton Association)

[서울=뉴시스] Reporter Kwon Hyuk-jin = The Korea Badminton Association has started to hold the Korea Open for the first time in three years.

The Korea Badminton Association and the Suncheon City and Jeonnam Badminton Associations held an agreement ceremony to hold the 2022 Korea Open Badminton Tournament at Suncheon City Hall on the 23rd and promised to successfully hold the tournament.

The event was attended by Kim Taek-gyu, President of the Korea Badminton Association, Suncheon Mayor Huh Seok, Park Gye-ok, Jeonnam Badminton Association President, Kim Jung-soo, Director of the World Federation, and Kim Yong-seon, President of the Suncheon City Badminton Association.

The 2022 Korea Open will be held from April 5 to 10 at Palma Gymnasium in Suncheon, Jeollanam-do, with 300 world-class athletes from 25 countries participating.

The Korea Open, which started in 1991, is a major international event and is classified as a BWF (World Badminton Federation) World Tour Super 500. Badminton fans were enthusiastic with numerous outstanding matches, but it was not held in 2020 and this year due to the aftermath of Corona 19.

The Korea Badminton Association started preparing for the event, believing that the situation would get better next year. This is the first time that the Korea Open will be held in Suncheon.

Taek-gyu Kim, president of the Korea Badminton Association, said, “I am very happy to hold this tournament in Suncheon, a beautiful city with a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Suncheon Bay Natural Wetland, a national garden, and a thousand-year-old temple.

We will actively inform the athletes of each country participating in the beauty of Suncheon City.”

Suncheon Mayor Heo Seok said, “There are many sports clubs in Suncheon, but badminton is one of the sports enjoyed the most by Suncheon citizens. We will do our best to ensure that the competition is safe for all and citizens.”

☞ Empathy Media News [email protected] <저작권자ⓒ 공감언론 뉴시스통신사. 무단전재-재배포 금지.>

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