Jourdheuil: learnings and emotions from the Women’s League MVP

The captain repeated the award and title with Berazategui. In a one-on-one, he spoke about this new milestone and what he felt for the presence of the girls he directs at the club and his grandmother, key in the career.

“MVP… MVP… MVP…”Her companions chanted in the middle of the court and throughout the Temple of Rock on Sunday afternoon. That ovation was directed towards a single person: Agustina Jourdheuil, the great captain, leader and reference of Berazategui. A repeated history: the team from the south of Buenos Aires once again dominated the Women’s League, winning it from end to end, undefeated and becoming two-time champion. Jourde was once again decisive in the definition, as he was nine months ago and with an outstanding performance. Alera show, which finished with 18 points and 7 rebounds, leading the absolute monarch of the League (4 titles in 7 editions) to a new conquest.

Cold blood, determination, character and, of course, a lot of basketball. Jourdheuil appeared in the critical moments of the final, extinguishing every reaction that rival Corrientes Básquet tried and showing everyone why he is the main pillar of Berazategui. You can have a regular phase at normal levels and you can make a playoffs leaving your talent quotas … But in definitions it is another thing to sing: explode, always make correct decisions, nail those two almost consecutive triples from 45 ° in the third quarter of the final to gain more confidence and let go of yours. Domino effect, because it empowers all its companions and there is talk of that contagious spirit, reappearing in the final section with another bomb to kill a new rival reaction.

In sport there are always those different players, those who have the ability to change the course of a match with a couple of key actions, those who, far from escaping the pressure of a final, put on the heroine outfit and save the day. . Jourde is a clear example of determination, to appear at the most critical moment of the match and to mark a strong presence. Top.

Are you really motivated in the endgame or is it more the product of the wise decisions you make thanks to your reading of the game? “I don’t think about whether it is a regular phase game or a final. When the ball is in the air, you play and you have to win. The reality is that the finals are the stage that I like the most because it is everyone’s prize. effort of the season, that’s true, but I think it happened like that and I thank my entire team, my teammates and the coaching staff for the confidence they always give me. I have my feet on the ground that without them nothing it’s possible”, begins responding in a talk with CAB Press.

Agustina is left with something to add and does not hesitate. “I also consider this to be my passion. To tell the truth, I am 24 hours a day looking, planning, training … This is what I choose day after day both as a player and as a coach. It seems to me that having another vision of game helps me to solve different situations while on the court “, complements the idea of ​​how you feel and think. And of course, he says this referring to his role as DT, remembering that in Berazategui he is in charge of the basketball school, of the training of the club.

Jourdheuil’s story is already well known. His first steps were taken in Social Lanús when he was 8 years old, although later he was formed and grew up in the Club Atlético Lanús, without forgetting that Garnet is one of the historically great developers of women’s basketball in our country. Then, since 2018 and with the need to look for new airs, he decided to take a swerve and landed in Berazategui to turn his life around, both sports and personal.

Since her arrival at the club three years ago, she has caused a noticeable change, and it could be said that she awakened an unknown side for her and for everyone. He polished many aspects of his game, also improved his physique and strengthened his head. All this because of how comfortable she felt when she landed on Bera, because of the trust they gave her and the juice they were able to squeeze each other out. Ultimately, two paths were combined that sought the same goal: to grow.

“Getting to Berazategui was key. I started to see the sport from another side and I am lucky that from the first moment I arrived they valued me a lot. They valued my virtues, and they helped me and help me improve my weaknesses. Berazategui is that is enjoyment, it is loving what you do, it is joy and passion. We all have the same goal “, Agustina counts between smiles.

Her role as a coach at the school is not a minor fact, much less goes unnoticed. And it is that that small group of girls that she directs and forms in Berazategui accompanies her everywhere, to all the games and not to mention in decisive instances like the final on Sunday. Here is something key, because not only are they girls who learn and have fun playing basketball, but we are also facing the genuine training of people. They will grow with the values ​​that Agus instills in them day after day, with how magnificent that means and the enormous responsibility that it requires.

Jourdheuil works in the little school sharing functions with Sofi Wolf. For this reason, every time they have a match, whether for the Women’s League, Federal or Metro, you can see a large group of little girls who encourage their teachers, who chant each game action they take and who celebrate each point with much fervor. Huge breath comes down from the rostrum for Agustina, that almost personal crowd that she has and that was felt with almost 500 people in the north stalls, among the Depo families and those girls who did not stop encouraging.

“Ufff … the girls thing was really wonderful, I can’t put it into words. I was warming up and I already had chicken feet. Families, girls … we are a beautiful combo. I told you before, I am passionate about this, I love my work and I consider that training is a whole.The role of a coach in the early ages is key, and I want them to remember me with the best moments in a couple of years. I dream that tomorrow they can experience what I have to witness on the weekend “, Explain.

After Sunday’s game ended and this new title for Berazategui consummated, there was a section of obvious color: in the middle of the celebrations, Agustina approached one side of the field and merged in a tender hug with her grandmother, that grandmother who She has been with her since the first day she decided to play basketball. A faithful companion, always present, play home or away, rain or shine and regardless of distances. The Depo captain owes a lot to her nona, to Titina, her number 1 fan, the president of the fan club.

“The old woman is the one who took me to a field for the first time. Since I was 8 years old, she accompanied me to all training sessions, home games and also away games, we went out with the bus at 8 in the morning and we looked at each other. the day together. What can I tell you? … She is the Titi of the town, everyone knows her with that joy that characterizes her and is mutual love. Many of the values ​​that I try to instill in the girls are her mothers. Responsibility , commitment … I don’t remember missing a training session (laughs) “.

Finally, and taking up the importance and impact that Berazategui had and has in his life, as well as Jourdheuil is a trainer of many girls from the sporting point of view but also from the personal, the club also gave Agustina a lesson. These life lessons, which also train you and show you the path in which one is nurtured as a person, with those values ​​typical of a neighborhood club, family and always united.

“I learned that the values ​​of the club above all are essential to support all this great family that makes up Bera. We must not forget that we are still a neighborhood club, and that is what makes it so special, because what generates Seeing so many girls come to the club is a sign of constant growth. And what we do is add them to the great family that we are, offering the same values ​​that those of us who are already part of as our head. We all have the same essence, and that is key. “, closed the most valued player twice.

Multiple celebration in which without a doubt it is a perfect closing of the year for Berazategui. He dominated the 2021 of the Women’s League with all that it means, confirming his candidate badge and asserting his champion nickname in every game he had to face. Agustina being Agustina was the pillar that allowed this team to touch the sky with their hands again and celebrate again, in a party that that same Sunday lasted until late at night and that promises to continue. Two-time champion health, captain health and double MVP, in these Christmas parties they will raise their glasses very high, just as they do in each definition they dispute.

Photographs: Marcelo Endelli / La Liga



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