Ion Izagirre, Euskadi cyclocross champion


The one from Ormaiztegi has won in Aiara ahead of his brother Gorka and Jonathan Lastra

Jon Agirre

Cofidis cyclist Ion Izagirre won the Euskadi cyclocross Championship this morning in Aiara (Álava) ahead of his brother Gorka and Jonathan Lastra. The course was a 2.75 kilometer rope circuit that included various obstacles, stairs and three wooden walkways in the surroundings of the Ikastola Etxaurren. Six of the first seven positions have been filled by professionals.

The test, which is organized under the tutelage of the Aiala Cycling Society and the Iñaki Isasi Taldea peña, has been marked in its previous hours by the discrepancies and difficulties of the Basque Federation to professionals when it comes to processing the license, something difficult to understand and that hinders the promotion of the modality.

The next test will be on Sunday January 2 in Ormaiztegi. The Izagirre are sure to put on a show again.

Pogačar no da tregua

For his part, the Slovenian Tadej Pogacar has competed in the Ljubjjana cyclo-cross and has returned in the same way he closed last season: winning. It is not an unknown specialty for Pogacar, since before debuting in professionals he was up to three times champion of his country in this discipline



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