Iggy brought back good tips from Miami | NBA

Touched in the knee since November 17, Andre Iguodala has not reappeared in uniform since that date, but his role obviously goes beyond the field. The three-time NBA champion returned to the Warriors to bring his experience to the newbies, but also some good advice gleaned from Miami.

“Our environment is a little more relaxed”, explains Andre Iguodala in the Draymond Green podcast. “There is a hippie atmosphere, where everyone goes at their own pace and behaves as they wish. In Miami, it’s a little more strict and square, everyone is in line. I can see weaknesses in both. “

No system is perfect, but Andre Iguodala believes it is possible to get the best of both cultures.

« Both franchises have been very successful and Pat Riley is possibly one of the most successful players / coaches / GM in NBA history. He was successful at all levels. At Golden State we’ve been successful, and I’ve seen a few loopholes. By being in these two places, I tried to take a step back and appreciate the value on both sides. When I was there I saw some things that we were doing with the Warriors that I could apply to certain players on the team. Some guys might not be that strong mentally when they are young, and you have to push them and get them to open up a bit.. »

To listen to Iggy, he was surrounded by players like Draymond Green on the Miami side. ” When you’re sassy, ​​competitive and have that passion within you, that’s the culture of the Heat. I was able to appreciate it even more. I was like, ‘Damn, guys like Draymond are even more valuable than I thought they were,’ and I saw him up close every day. »

Last March, Andre Iguodala also explained that he had given a lot of advice to the youngsters of the Heat. In particular by explaining to them that behind the ease and the talent of a Stephen Curry or a Kevin Durant, there was a lot of work. “They think we just came to work every day with a smile to give each other the ball, take a few shots, take each other’s hands and that everything was wonderful. But I told them there was a lot of work to do up front, a lot of pain and obstacles to overcome before. And once I had the opportunity to be in an environment that I felt I could thrive in, and compared to everything that I had been through, good or bad, it was just perfect timing. . “

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