Helio Neto, survivor of the Chapecoense tragedy, returned to the scene of the accident in Antioquia | Antioquia

Helio Neto, one of the six survivors of the Chapecoense tragedy Returns to Colombia and visited the scene of the tragedy.

Five years after the accident, the now ex-footballer spoke with Blu Radio about his present and about the film that will relate the last flight of the eternal champions.

On the mountain that mourned the world with the tragedy of Chapecoense, Helio Neto, the last of the survivors, he sowed life.

I have the certainty that all the companions who left left good fruits in this world, they left a legacy here, and the message when I spoke now of placing trees and planting trees was that message that the fruits stayed, they were but the fruits stayed

reported the former soccer player.

Neto visited Cerro Gordo or Chapecoense, in La Unión, Antioquia, and accompanied the planting of the same number of trees and will be in Medellín speaking, among others, of the film who will relate his premonition, after dreaming about the tragedy 3 days before the accident …

Net who now he gives religious talks and conferences will be in Medellín in a conservatory about his film.

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