Hamburg Towers: This is how your first Eurocup season works

The last away game of the year is on: The Hamburg Towers will be playing at Dolomiti Energia Trento on Wednesday evening (8 p.m.). With the Italians, the towers are completing their eighth Eurocup game. So the first half of the first international Towers season is almost in the history books – time for an interim conclusion.

With a record of two wins and five bankruptcies, the Wilhelmsburger are in eighth place in their group. This would also be the last place that would be enough for the playoffs. But Towers coach Pedro Calles does not even want to use the word “playoffs”. Instead, in this competition he is about to challenge his protégés.

Eurocup: Hamburg Towers guest at Dolomiti Energia Trento

“If we approach the comfort zone, we are doing something wrong,” said the Spaniard and added: “I believe that improvement comes with effort.” Therefore, the rather meager yield of two successes is not too bad. Calles appreciates the victories, but even in the defeats his players have shown that they can keep up with the best teams in Europe despite their mistakes.

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However, playing in the Eurocup also has its complications. Traveling in particular is a problem for the towers. “Every away game is tough, but you have to travel more at the Eurocup,” said guard Caleb Homesley. Robin Christen also sees dangers in guest appearances in the context of the currently “frightening” Corona situation. That’s why the players try to protect themselves as best they can, so that “we can all go through time in good health.”

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The Towers have to face various adversities in their first Eurocup season and collect many bankruptcies against top teams. Nevertheless, based on these experiences, the learning curve has recently been pointing upwards. The players try to bring their performance to the floor regardless of the backdrop. Christen therefore does not want to overestimate the difference to the BBL: “In the end, it’s basketball.”


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