Great success in the II ‘Basketball and Women’s Cup’

AD Oliva, tournament winners.

The second ‘Basketball and Women’s Cup’ was played this Saturday in Barcarrota, where the girls from AB Oliva were proclaimed champions. The other participating teams were EDM Jerez de los Caballeros, who came second, AF Hernando de Soto, third, and CBA Burguillos, fourth.

This second edition of the tournament has been part of the ‘Month of Basketball and Women’ organized by the Extremadura Federation within the ‘I + DXT’ program of the Youth and Sports Foundation of the Junta de Extremadura.

In addition to the games, the girls were able to enjoy an act of coexistence, in which they enjoyed a brotherhood meal and received a motivational talk from two AB Oliva players to avoid abandoning sports practice among the cadet categories and junior. There was also a microclinic for referees and table officials that included Esperanza Mendoza. H



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