GdS – Eriksen-Inter, resolution signed: farewell today. To S. Siro in 2022?

The Dane forced to leave Italy where he cannot carry out competitive activities. For him now three options to continue his career

After yesterday’s first rumors and scattered confirmations, today the Gazzetta dello Sport reports of a private meeting at the Inter headquarters between Eriksen, people shot, l’a.d. Sport Marotta and the club’s lawyer, Angelo Capellini. “It was put in black and white there consensual termination of a relationship that should have continued until 2024. And instead that 12 June in Copenhagen changed every order of priority: it upset the very life of this 29-year-old who will have his home here for a while and the programs of the Italian champions that they would have liked to count on him again “, reads. CONI’s negative opinion on sporting fitness in Italy has in fact forced him to leave.

“Defined the latest tax implications and with the Labor Office, today should be the day of the official statementand the mutual greeting, certainly moved – underlines the rosea -. In 2022, in agreement with the club, Christian could also return to San Siro to feel the warmth that he still remembers and that at the moment he feels via social media. From now on, the club will try to recover the salary paid in these months of inactivity through the Uefa allowance and also has private insurance in hand that covers the current value of the card: about 11 million, an inevitable loss on the budget “.

For Chris, now, the doors of a new footballing life are opening: Odense, Eredivisie or Premier League the most probable alternatives.


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