Full of confidence for Asvel, BCM humiliated in Limoges –

Find yesterday’s results in Elite.

Nanterre92 vs Roanne : 82-86

Facing the Choir, Nanterre92 did not respect the game plan. Facing the partners of Juvonte Reddic (18 points and 7 rebounds), they were never really in the game. For the rest, that is not necessarily reassuring …

Monaco vs Champagne Basket : 90-83

Despite the absences from post 1, the Roca Team provided the essentials against Châlons-Reims. In particular, they were able to count on a Alpha diallo complete (14 points, 8 rebounds, 5 assists), while Paris Lee will have turned the team well (8 assists).

Fos Provence vs Asvel : 67-88

It is a match full of mastery that delivered the Villeurbannais in the South-East. 5 players finished with 10 or more points, William Howard being the best scorer with 14 pawns. TJ Parker was even able to give the youngster a few minutes Kymany Houinsou (4).

JL Bourg vs Paris Basketball : 93-70

Outside of its bases, Paris Basketball has a little more trouble. But getting around Ekinox is no picnic for any team. The players of Laurent Timber showed great seriousness, like their presence under the circle (34 takes). Ideal for filling up with confidence …

Limoges vs BCM : 100-48

This is called humiliation for the Maritimes. The troops of JD Jackson left with a suitcase weighing +52 kilos in their Limousin luggage. Proof of the insolence of the Limougeauds, they shot at an unreal 53.9% long distance (5/7 for Nicolas Lang). For the Northerners this total non-match is a sudden return to earth.

Crédit photo: David Haynau


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