For alleged irregularities, they report to the FGR directors of the Mexican Table Tennis Federation

Merida.- In days past and for alleged irregularities and mismanagement of resources, both from public and private sources, the commissioner and treasurer of the Mexican Table Tennis Federation (FEMETEME) filed a complaint against the president of that sports organization before the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic (FGR) and the National Sports Commission (Conade).

“We had already had problems of mismanagement of resources with the current president of the FEMETEME but the situation deteriorated even more when the Mexican tenimesistas were refused, at the beginning of last November, to participate in the Pan American Senior Games, held in Peru, which meant that the country will not have attendance at the World Championship of the specialty for the year 2022 “, expressed Valerio Lara, president of the Yucatan Table Tennis Association and commissioner of the federated body.

For that reason, together with the treasurer of the FEMETEME and president of the Veracruz Table Tennis Association, Félix Ballesteros, made the corresponding complaint on November 30 in Mexico City before the aforementioned instances.

“We are very concerned about this situation in which table tennis in Mexico is being seriously affected by an alleged mismanagement of resources, internal irregularities and recurrence of debts by the president of the organization,” said the interviewee.

He added that on several occasions they asked the manager for a financial report, but he refused to give it.

Among other things, Lara demanded an audit within the FEMETEME to find out if the resources are really being used to support and promote national table tennis.

At first, the impact was basically internal, but later “it spread to Mexican table tennis players, since they have already been denied participation in selectives or regional Pan-American tournaments in the face of world events of the specialty for 2022.”

They explained that problems began several months ago due to the alleged mismanagement of resources by the president of the FEMETEME and due to lack of payments to the ITTF, which is the official regulatory body in charge of selectives and official tournaments in the American continent. .

“Debts began to grow and, in Assembly, the Pan American Table Tennis Confederation decided to suspend Mexico from official events, in addition to the fact that the current president of the Federation is also unknown,” they reiterated.

Finally, they regretted that the current president, instead of wanting to solve the problem of the Mexican tenimesistas, now has a voice within the Mexican Olympic Committee, as he managed to get on the roster of María José Alcalá, president of that Mexican body.

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