FIFA announces staggering financial benefits!

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For several months, the debate on the possibility of organizing a World Cup every two years has widely divided the various players in football, not to mention the supporters. However, under the leadership of Arsène Wenger, FIFA, chaired by Gianni Infantino, continues to proclaim the benefits of such a reform. A thorny issue which could however take a new turn at the end of the exceptional meeting organized this Monday in Qatar between the international body and the various national federations. Indeed, according to information revealed by The team, FIFA took the opportunity to present its economic predictions. Absolutely insane amounts that seem like a pressure surge …

So, during this “Mountain peak” Organized behind closed doors, FIFA has made a commitment to the 211 federations, promising each to pay an additional 19 million dollars, or about 16.8 million euros! Amounts that would then be spread over four years, on the condition of course that this biennial World Cup project sees the light of day. Something to make the most resistant to salivate? No one can assure it for the moment but these arguments have anyway the merit of relaunching this very controversial reform of the international calendar beyond 2024.

To argue these XXL figures, the international body would therefore be based on a study by the Nielsen cabinet, which would thus have estimated the additional income of the tournament at 3.9 billion euros over four years. By taking into account the various benefits linked to ticketing, TV rights or even sponsorship, this survey, which is also based on the transition from a World Cup to 48 teams (and no longer 32) from 2026, then concluded that revenues would increase from 6.2 billion euros to 10 billion. At the same time, the OpenEconomics study, which focused on macroeconomic perspectives, concluded that switching to a two-year cycle for the Men’s FIFA World Cup ™ would result in a gross domestic product (GDP) gain of over $ 180 billion. over a period of 16 years, while generating two million full-time jobs ”, adds FIFA. Without however revealing its methodology.

FIFA rejects the idea of ​​a negative impact on the championships!

With such added value, FIFA therefore intends to redistribute this money to the various national federations. A strong economic argument in its ambition to convince its opponents. Concretely, Gianni Infantino therefore wishes to create a solidarity fund which will be credited with 3.5 billion euros for its first four years of existence and each of the 211 federations would then receive an estimated sum of 14 million euros over four years. In addition, the authority specifies that it will also be necessary to add the income from the current investment program named «FIFA Forward», which would allow each federation to receive, in addition, 6 to 9 million dollars over four years.

According to the document presented by the body, the purpose of this new entity is to “Significantly reduce the gap between the revenues of the most developed countries and those of the least developed”. And while UEFA recently presented a study assuring that the organization of a World Cup every two years would lead to a loss of income to the tune of 3 billion euros over four years for the European Federations, the World League Forum, he added that this project could lose up to 7.5 billion euros in revenue per season in domestic competitions. Pessimistic projections on which FIFA has also reacted – without quantifying – thus ensuring that “Historical trajectories show no negative correlation between the income generated by the final stages in selection and the leagues”. Money, equity, the picture seems perfect. Too perfect not to think of some blackmail …


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