Eure. In Charleval, a room named after Christian Le Troquer

Commissioned a few months ago, the Le Troquer room was officially inaugurated by the municipality of Charleval in the Eure region. (©DR)

The emotion was at the rendezvous at Charleval, in L’Your, on the occasion of the inauguration of the room called Christian Le Troquer.

Built a few meters from the dojo located inside the municipal stadium, the room has been in service for several months already. But with the health crisis, the tribute ceremony had to be postponed.

The municipality of Charleval, led by the mayor Pascal Calais had invited the members of the family of Christian Le Troquer.

Also present were local elected officials, including departmental advisers Françoise Collemare and Thierry Plouvier, representatives of associations including those of the local judo club, entrepreneurs as well as the sub-prefect of Andelys Virginie Sené-Rouquier.

Love of sport

In his speech, Pascal Calais of course paid tribute to Christian Le Troquer, “who all his life has worked for sport and community life in our village”.

A tribute which was accompanied by a thought for his wife Janine, “always by his side within the club”, and with which he tragically disappeared in January 2020 in the fire in their house.

Pascal Calais retraced the career of Christian Le Troquer who, after being passionate about football during his youth, discovered judo at the age of 30.

Between obtaining the black belt in 1963 and 7th dan in 2009, Christian Le Troquer devoted his free time to teaching.

He had founded his club in Grainville in 1967, before transferring it in 1974 to Charleval, in the old cinema (Salle Guignol).

Then the judokas set up the dojo above the stadium locker rooms.

“He received the municipal medal in 2005, then that of the department in 2007, and finally the gold medal for youth and sports in 2013, crowning 30 years of sports volunteering. “

Pascal CalaisMayor of Charleval in the Eure

A room for 191,000 €

The mayor also recalled the origin of the construction of this room.

“Following the fire in a pre-fabricated nursery school, elected officials from the city council decided to install new modular equipment on the stadium. Attachment to public and associative life was the trigger for the choice of equipment dedicated to the associative, educational and cultural needs of the town and its inhabitants. “

Pascal CalaisMayor of Charleval in the Eure

The € 191,000 project was funded to the tune of € 56,000 by the State under the Endowment of Equipment for Rural Territories (DETR) and € 95,304 from insurance reimbursement.

The municipality thus financed € 39,550.


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