Enes Kanter Freedom believes the NBA should put the season on hold

In recent days the situation Covid-19 in NBA it’s plummeting hour after hour. In December, more than 70 players ended up in health and safety protocols, with outbreaks in Sacramento, Cleveland, Brooklyn and Chicago that have already forced the League to postpone a total of 7 games. Adam Silver’s plan would be to continue in this way, in the meantime tightening the protocols, without interrupting the season. Enes Kanter Freedom thinks otherwise: the Boston Celtics center explicitly tweeted that the NBA should stop everything.

“How many players have to test positive for the NBA to postpone the season? Postpone the NBA season! “ wrote Kanter Freedom. With Christmas Day approaching, obviously the League will try to put in as many pieces as possible. The show must go on, at the moment no suspensions are planned.


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