Dialogues 12/12/2021 | Daily Change: Daily Change

– … and this is the work of the people. It was the organized people who imposed on the government that this slop of law be put to the consideration of all. That happens to them for doing things wrong. They saw how true that “God does not want dirty things” is true.

-Don’t put God in this. This is about us mortals. I understand that you are euphoric, but it is not so bad.

-Also, Sandro, let’s not fool ourselves: We all know that there is an important portion of Uruguayan society that just by saying “you have to be against Lacalle” is enough to mobilize it.

-Sandro, the same day that the electoral court confirmed that there was the required number of signatures to enable the referendum, the consulting firm Equipos showed that the Uruguayan people do not want to repeal it. 46% of Uruguayans would vote NO, and only 33% would take the point to you.

-Yes, Sandro, all this circus, with how expensive it is, and with everything that delays the advancement of the country, will be the holy button, because nothing is going to change by decision of the people.

-Yes, yes, yes … From below we moved the bookshelf. Only with the work of the PIT-CNT, but when the FA puts its machinery to work I want to see them. Those 13 points – let me know if it’s true – we discount them to the laughs. In addition, with reason on our side, this referendum is only a procedure.

-The times of the majorities of the Broad Front are over. Yesterday it was demonstrated with the mobilization that our coordinator “Salto DOES NOT repeal”, carried out in the Cerro. Thousands of people accompanied Álvaro Delgado …

-… Thousands? Ah well… Did you see? That is what you do not understand, the Delgado has to come this …

-… Dr. Álvaro Delgado, Secretary of the Presidency. Nothing about “Delgado este”, more respect.

-(¡¡¡But parrot, noah !!!) Well, whatever, but they had to bring him to move a few people. “Convensanmennn”, the people do not want the LUC.

-We will see that on March 27.

-That day the ballot boxes will be flooded with blue ballots. The union is the basis of our coalition, and it will be what positions us above those who only want to put the bum in the wheel.

-Yes, yes, yes … Like the “Union” of the Colorado party, which was shattered after the convention.

-Shattered? What are you saying?

-What everyone knows. Que Vamos Salto lost and had to bow his head and bank everything that the other sectors wanted. It had to be banned that the date of the election of the new executive “arena”.

-Executive committee.

-Yes, that … which will be now at the end of the month, the 29th. And from what they told me, the teacher Márquez abused Sapito’s parrot.

-Esteeee … And in the end Gallardo did not take a trip with directing the selection and yesterday it was confirmed that it will be Dieg …

… Stop, stop… Don’t change the subject. Dale Sandro, tell me, what happened to Márquez at the convention?

-The thing is like that. “Los Coutinhos” wanted the election of the executive to be after the Referendum.

-Yes, and…?

-But the rioters wanted it to be December 29. At one point during the convention, when the teacher Márquez, Agustina Escanellas, was chairing it …

-Vamos Salto woman, of course …

– … Yes, of course – now a CTM official, but until recently a substitute for Deputy Estévez. Well, it is seen that at some point he noticed that they were not giving him the votes for his proposal to win, and he presented a motion for the elections to be held but with a “small” oversight.

-Which one?

-It is seen that in the rush to write the proposal he forgot to put the date he proposed.

-Do you know anything about this Neli?

-Esteeee … Seee, it was a small mistake, as Sandro said … Esteeee …

-Yes, of course, it happens to anyone. It is very common that when someone proposes a date for something to be done, they forget to put the date they propose. But hey, the truth is that Maestra Márquez did not realize that she had no date either – and that is why she did not notify Escanellas of her oblivion – and took the proposal to the plenary session.


-And well, there is always someone who reminds the leaders of things, and from the plenary they warned him that there was another proposal.

– … that of the “unruly coup plotters” …

-Exactly … And that the Escanellas had no date … To which the teacher Márquez first said that the date proposed by Vamos Salto was 29.


-That’s what the rioters asked themselves, hehehehe. But the teacher immediately rectified and said that in reality the proposal did not have the date, but in any case the proposal of Vamos Salto was voted, which appears as the sector that proposed the date, hahaha … In that way they tried to cover their defeat in the internal.

-As times change, Escanellas and Márquez playing as a team after everything that was said by social networks.

-And that’s nothing. After the convention, during the week, the “loquito loose” came out to hit Vamos Salto …

-Paráááá! Who is the loose loquito?

-Don’t fuck around, Neli, don’t be distracted! Andreina Rossi, put a tweet that said: “Let’s not let a personal issue of a madman on the loose who was waiting for a position and did not have one, divide the greatest party in history! Listening to those audios is confirming the personal resentment you have! What a blow you are going to get Pablito!

Therefore the “crazy person on the loose” is Perna. Hahahahahahaha

-Well, well … Why, since they are so interested in talking about the Colorado Party, do they not refer to the fact that Julio María Sanguinetti was in Salto on Friday? He came to the celebrations of the 18 years of Vamos Salto. Oh, and I can tell you that tomorrow there is a very interesting note to “President Sanguinetti”, here in CHANGE.

– “Very interesting”? hahahaha … “I’m dying to read it” … Is it true that you talked about your relationship with Cuquito and said that it is very good, that sometimes you ask for your opinion and he supports you with his experiences?

-That’s true, despite the generational difference, the relationship between Sanguinetti and “Luis” is very good and affectionate. The anecdotal thing is that Pablo Cohen is writing a book and there he interviewed Luis and says that he thinks the same, that he praises Sanguinetti and says of his affection for the former President.

– Gentlemen: We cannot leave without commenting on what happened at the La Teja refinery after the civil servants were unemployed.

-What happened? Don’t tell me you’re going to buy that verse about officials breaking everything for fun? In the end you are more naive than you seem.

-Look, Sandro …

-Look at nothing! They stopped, occupied and everything in permanent knowledge of the authorities of “laancáp”. The issue was when they went to turn on the so called “catalytic Crackin valve” and that crap did not want to work. That is not the fault of those who occupied. Stop fucking around, don’t come with that verse!

-Sandro, let me read you article 25, section 2, RIGHTS, DUTIES AND GUARANTEES
CHAPTER I, of the
Constitution of the Republic. “When the damage has been caused by its officials, in the exercise of their functions or on the occasion of that exercise, in the event of having acted with gross negligence or fraud, the corresponding public body may repeat against them, what it would have paid in reparation ” …


-Take charge.

-Am I telling you that they weren’t working?

-Until Sunday …

The infiltrated column

Kill the mormon


a bit

Last week we told part of the story of the assassination attempt by “El Cachito”, which was thwarted by the DEA. Who is Cachito ”? The last thing Cachito Pérez Lisazo did was rescue the father of Isla Martinica (a former French colony). He got him out of jail with a commando group. Although it is required by France, one of Uruguay’s last departures was to Paris. “They come in and out because they are the kings of document forgery,” says (Mario) Layera.



In the midst of the chaos that life had become for the Guarteche, one day Julio and his wife, Sandra, were summoned to a meeting at the Italian school, where their children attended.

Sandra says, “When we first fled to the countryside and then returned, Julio felt very bad because they called him from school to ask him to take the children out of there because it was dangerous. He had to go talk to the Board of Directors. He explained that it was a very safe place and that our children, among a thousand or so children in the same uniform, was safer than anything else. And he did not remove them. There were people there who supported him, but some even complained.”

Later it was learned that this College was attended by one of the daughters of the member of the Quini, detained within that College. The Quini are one of the most efficient and bloodthirsty cartels in Mexico. The girl was a companion of the police chief’s children.

Sandra, remembers, still indignant: “The most unusual thing was that, later, this person who was caught inside the Italian school, was my son’s bench companion. Then Julio would tell me: “This is ridiculous.” In addition, it was a very complicated case because the director called him at 7 in the afternoon, desperate because the police had entered and had forcibly removed a man, who she did not know what to do. Actually, the police took it out like that because, although it was not school hours, there were children inside for extracurricular activities. Julio got sick because he said: “They wanted to take us out and it turns out that we had the main South American drug dealer at school. And they still complain because they took him out of school!!”


The unsuccessful assassination is just one sign of how serious the action of organized crime can be for a nation. Citizen concerns focus on the small crimes that affect their daily lives, but the rulers cannot lose sight of the dimension of both crimes.

Sandra, recalls what Guarteche thought: “Me He said that most politicians lived like in a bubble, but they also did not consult those who were prepared. Then he would say “I am a professional, I am not from the Broad Front, nor from the National Party or anything. I am a professional of mine. They didn’t come to ask me, so how can they comment on something they don’t know without asking.

There was even a case of the brother of someone very important within the government, very important, that Julio went to talk to him because he appeared in a telephone interception and because he could be involved in something without wanting to, by contact. And even afterwards they came out talking bad about him. At one point they thanked him, and when they went out in public it was not the same. So I always said that the politician has to show his face … “

He thought that the politicians here were not contaminated with those things but that they did not see beyond their nose and did not realize it.

Many times they were deceived in their good faith and other times they were blinded by other things, political work, and they did not see, they did not have to know ”.

Guarteche shared with his children stories that spoke of a drug trafficker who was followed to Parliament and in and out of the office of one of the front-line leaders. It is not mentioned because they could never conclude that it had something to do with it. Nor is it that they investigated it, since they arrived because the narco who contacted them was the one who had the telephone tapped.

Dad had a half-strong fight with (former interior minister, Guillermo) Stirling, because he thought that dad had pinched him when he was minister. “, says Emiliano, one of Guarteche’s sons.

He had registered drug traffickers leaving Parliament. One day Dad got angry and said: “If they treat me as a liar, I’ll tell them what I know about each one and I’ll go”.

She told (the former minister) Daysi (Tourné) that, because politically she put a lot of pressure on Dad. He had it as if he were the secretary or something like that, he was going to cry ”.

Texts extracted from the book Killing the Mormon, Public insecurity, drug trafficking and the assassination prevented by the DEA, by journalist Gabriel Pereyra.


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