Development of judo in Côte d’Ivoire: the federation takes stock

The president of the Ivorian Federation of Judo and Assimilated Disciplines (FIJDA), Dabonné Seydou, hosted this Friday, December 24, 2021, a press conference in the premises of said federation in Marcory, to take stock of the federation’s annual activities and present the progress of the “judo at school” project.

“I took judo in a state of great difficulty. The federation was reduced to 12 clubs. With this number of clubs and athletes, it is almost impossible to reach the top level. Our athletes lack competition and consistency ”presented Dabonné Seydou.

To this end, the federation signed, last February, an agreement with a high-level center in France, Judo Club Pays de Château Gontier and Associated Disciplines.

This convention, according to him, makes the center, the new preparation camp for the national judo team for international competitions, for the qualifications for the Paris 2024 Olympics and should make it possible to train executives.

“If we chose the Judo Club Pays de Château Gontier, it is because it offers optimal preparation possibilities. We want athletes 100% ready for qualification, ”said Dabonné Seydou.

Regarding the “ judo at school ” project, according to Dabonné Seydou announced the installation of ninety-two (92) clubs per year and the construction of judo centers on an area of ​​10 m2 in all schools primary throughout the territory.




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