DeRozan’s big message for LeBron after taking down the Lakers

Rekindled when facing the Lakers, DeMar DeRozan did not make quarters, signing one of the best games of his season. Following his recital, the back star of the Bulls also reserved a few impactful words for his evening opponent, LeBron James!

Their multiple meetings this summer, in which there was talk of a meeting with the Lakers, did not succeed. From then on, it was as adversaries that DeMar DeRozan and LeBron James met at the United Center this Sunday. And like in their first clash this season, won 121-103 by the Bulls, it was the Chicago full-back who came home with a big smile.

Exit the Covid protocol just a few hours before the meeting, DMDR delivered a real “revenge game” against Los Angeles, to allow his team to find the path to victory after two straight setbacks. He also won the duel between him and LBJ, scoring 38 points against the 31 accumulated by the King. A domination which, however, did not push him to be arrogant at a press conference.

Executioner of LeBron, DeRozan showeres him with praise

Asked about LeBron, DeRozan was indeed very humble and admiring, in comments reported by KC Johnson of NBC Sports Chicago.

DeRozan on his battles with LeBron: “He knows, because I’ve said it over and over, that I have the greatest respect for him. He’s definitely one of those players that I can talk about when I’m older, saying, ‘I played this guy’. “

A huge mark of esteem, even though DeRozan has long chained the big disillusions because of LBJ.

During his long stint at the Raptors, Deebo has indeed often suffered the law of the quadruple MVP, and was notably eliminated three consecutive times from the playoffs by the latter’s Cavaliers. Much less intimidated than in the past, he nevertheless managed to pull out all the stops during their last confrontation, like an ultra-symbolic clutch action vis-à-vis their balance of power!

LeBron James’ reign over DeMar DeRozan and his teams is over. The rear decided to rebel with a bang, even if he remains by his own admission a huge admirer of the King and his career!


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