Covid: the Law Commission opens the door to a gauge proportional to the size of the stadiums

It is a first step which could delight many clubs. On Wednesday, the National Assembly’s law committee adopted an amendment to introduce in sport a gauge proportional to the size of the stadiums rather than a fixed number of 5,000 maximum spectators. “Amendment voted!” It was a matter of common sense. The gauges in the stadiums and theaters will be established on the basis of the prorata of the reception capacity and not in absolute value ”thus exclaimed Sacha Houlié, LREM deputy of Vienne and at the origin of this amendment.

Nothing has been done, however, since this bill will have to pass in the coming days before Parliament and the Senate before being accepted or rejected. But this is necessarily a positive sign for the players in French sport, who already demanded during the first restrictions of sanitary gauges stage by stage, in proportion to the capacity of the sports arenas, rather than a fixed gauge of 5,000 spectators. maximum.

This figure of 5,000 roughly defines the limit from which the authorities consider that it is a large-scale event requiring a declaration to the prefecture. “The goal is to limit large gatherings. In this context, these gauges will make it possible to limit the mixing of populations and the creation of giant clusters, ”supported the Directorate General of Health on Tuesday.


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