Club sport in crisis: There is a risk of losing a whole generation – sport

Sport and exercise have positive effects on health and increase life satisfaction. Is it[calledNeverthelessmanyparentshavecanceledtheirchildrenfromclubsportsinrecentyears”Weareveryconcernedaboutthelossamongchildrenandyoungpeople”saysthechairmanoftheBerlinStateSportsAssociation(LSB)ThomasHärtelEithertherewassimplynolongeranytrainingofferduetothepandemicortheriskofacoronainfectionwithsubsequentquarantinewastoohighfortheparents

In total, the pandemic in Berlin’s club sport had already lost 33,117 memberships at the beginning of 2021, around half of which were children and adolescents. Indoor sports such as judo, gymnastics or swimming are particularly badly affected, because training was not possible there at times.

“In the course of this year, shortly before the fourth wave, many found their way back into the club,” says Härtel. The exact numbers for the current year will have to be awaited, but the LSB boss is hoping that the downward trend will end. “We are a little relieved that the wave of exit we feared at the beginning of the pandemic did not occur,” says Härtel Those who quit will also come to us again. ”

There was a particularly large decline among children and adolescents. Härtel justifies the total of more than 15,000 members leaving the club with the lack of a firm bond with a club: “If the offers are no longer available, the children who have been involved in the sport for a number of years and who have also built a deeper bond with the club tend to leave . ”

Children do not yet have permanent ties to the clubs

Especially in the group of children up to six years of age, of whom almost 30 percent gave up their club membership during the pandemic, an entire generation threatens to be lost to sport. “We will see age groups who will only find access to sport later. That is extremely regrettable and has lasting effects on the psyche and motor skills of children, ”fears Härtel.

The Landessportbund wants to win back children who have canceled club sports through day-care projects and school groups. “A wide range of sports in schools is very important. First and foremost, we want the children to exercise, but of course we are also happy about membership in clubs, ”says Härtel. In total there are over 800 cooperations on the part of the state sports association, through which children can take advantage of physical activity offers at their school.

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The Berlin clubs are also suffering from the decline in membership. In order to support them financially, the Berlin Senate has decided on a rescue package totaling 6.5 million euros and supports both smaller sports clubs with funds, for example for masks and tests, as well as the large professional clubs such as Alba or the Füchse Berlin as a shirt sponsor. “We welcomed the rescue package very much. The clubs have also made use of the money and we are very happy that the Senate intends to continue, ”says Härtel.

In the coming year, the reserve sport is to be increased to seven million euros. Härtel can understand concerned parents, but hopes that they will continue to enable their children to participate in sports in clubs. “The most important thing is that the children keep moving,” said Härtel and hopes that everyone in the clubs will contribute to this. How severe the pandemic actually affects club sport and children’s motor skills will only really become apparent in the years to come.


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