Club: Donnarumma: “It was almost written that I was coming to Paris”

During the last summer transfer window, Gianluigi Donnarumma was one of the big names recruited by PSG. The Italian doorman returned to his arrival, which he considers practically written, and his integration into the workforce of Mauricio Pochettino. And when he arrived at the Parc des Princes for the first time, he understood why the club in the capital was a top in Europe.

Last summer, PSG made several good moves in the transfer market. The capital club has secured the services of many great players for almost nothing. Among them, we can count Gianluigi Donnarumma. At the end of his contract with AC Milan, the 22-year-old Italian goalkeeper joined the Parisian team only a few days after his coronation at the Euro with Italy where he was elected best player of the competition. Now, the winner of the Yachine 2021 trophy is trying to win in the workforce of Mauricio Pochettino.

The new PSG goalkeeper has also delivered on his arrival at the leader of Ligue 1 in an interview for France Football: “It’s been a long time since PSG followed me. It was almost written for me to come to Paris. I had no hesitation. I was seduced by the fierce desire to recruit me, to make me feel that he absolutely wanted me to join this family. And, of course, I was seduced by the club’s ambition, this desire to win everything. I would like to thank everyone for the extraordinary welcome, the managers, the teammates and the audience. “

“While I was still on vacation, I was counting the days that separated me from the resumption”

And the keeper of the National to explain everything he was in a hurry to discover before disembarking in the French capital: “A splendid city, a great club and a great team: I am overwhelmed! I was super motivated. My contract barely signed, while I was still on vacation, I counted the days that separated me from the resumption with the club. I was excited to get to know my teammates, to find out what would now be my home. “

“It was a highlight to enter this locker room”

The former AC Milan then returned to his integration into the Parisian locker room facilitated by his knowledge: “It was a highlight to enter this locker room. All of them put me at ease and immediately made me feel at home, integrating me into this great PSG family. I already knew Hakimi, Rafinha and, of course, Marco Verratti. I also found Gianluca Spinelli, great goalkeeper trainer, with whom I worked in selection. He and Toni (Jimenez, the other coach of the goalkeepers) help me on a daily basis to expand, to become stronger. Contact with the rest of the team happened naturally. It’s important as a feeling, because the group is created in the locker room. When you arrive at the stadium, in a full and festive Park, with hyper warm and enthusiastic supporters, you understand that you are joining the top. “

Finally, Gianluigi Donnarumma revealed that even the big stars of the team, Neymar, Kylian Mbappé and Lionel Messi, participated in his good integration into PSG: “The first training session with Neymar, Messi and Mbappé? At this idea, I let myself be overwhelmed by emotion. But, on the ground, all that disappeared. They immediately opened their arms to me, made me feel at ease. We joked, made fun of, joked. It’s important to feel such things when you discover a new club, a new country. Upstream, we inevitably ask ourselves questions, but, in the end, everything turned out fantastic. “


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