Chassis and car still usable after crash

In the absolute final phase of the second free practice session on the brand new Jeddah Corniche Circuit, things went quite wrong for Charles Leclerc. Entering the blazing fast corner 22, the rear of his Ferrari SF21 exploded, causing him to spin and land hard in the track barrier. The car sustained major damage, but he himself was able to get out unharmed. An investigation in the medical center then also showed that Leclerc himself was left with nothing from the incident.

Ferrari’s mechanics, meanwhile, looked over the recovered wreckage to check the condition of the chassis and power unit. However, the team and Leclerc can breathe a sigh of relief, as both parts appear to be using the rest of the weekend in Jeddah. However, the Ferrari mechanics are faced with the heavy task of rebuilding the car almost from the ground up.

‘Thank team with good result’

Leclerc’s conclusion after Friday’s training sessions was therefore clear: “A day that unfortunately did not end as we would have liked. On the positive side, we completed our planned program and completed all the tests we wanted to complete in our two sessions. The potential is there and if we can bring everything together on Saturday, we should have a good day,” said Leclerc, who is now extra motivated to achieve a good result. “I’m sorry for the team, who have to work hard to have the car ready again on Saturday. I will do everything I can to achieve the best possible result and thank them for that.”

As with all drivers, it was Leclerc’s first introduction to the Jeddah street circuit. His first impression of the track is good, although he found it challenging to get into a good rhythm. “I really liked the track itself and I have to say that the fast section is the best part to ride. However, it is unforgiving and there is no room for error. The most challenging thing is to get into the right rhythm with all the blind corners, but it’s even more exciting to drive here when you can.”

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