CEO of Union about success coach Felice Mazzu: “He can sometimes turn off the button” | Jupiler Pro League

The fairytale of Union in 2021 – champion in 1B and leader in 1A after 20 days of matches – is directed by Felice Mazzu. The 55-year-old T1 received the Raymond Goethals Trophy on Monday afternoon. “Talking with the players in a family way is one of his strengths,” says his CEO Mazzu.

The prizes will only be distributed over a few months, but Union was allowed to uncork a bottle on Monday anyway. Felice Mazzu received the Raymond Goethals Trophy.

“He may well be a modern-day Raymond Goethals”, Philippe Bormans, CEO of Union, laughs.

“He knows how to mold his core and bend it to his will. He knows the weak and strong points and knows how to play them perfectly.”

“He makes it into a group that fights for results. We saw that in 1B and now also in first class. Doing the same thing, that’s fantastic.”

He knows how to knead his core and bend it to his will. He knows the weaknesses and strengths and knows how to play them out perfectly.

CEO Philippe Bormans over T1 Felice Mazzu

What is one of Mazzu’s strongest qualities? “He treats his players in a family way,” says Bormans.

“He reminds them of their duties, but also builds friendships. He is also very busy with his players off the field.”

And how is the relationship with the board? “Very good. He really appreciates our work, we appreciate his. This is the work of a collective.”

“Felice is very amiable and we have serious conversations, but he can also sometimes turn off the button and that is extremely important to succeed as a coach.”

Earlier this season, the players supported their coach in the death of his mother.

“First Play-off II and only then can you dream of more”

Everything at Union seems like a dream come true, but Philippe Bormans is not tempted to make bold statements.

“We get the most out of everyone and he is the coach who forms the players into a close team. They go through fire for each other and that is his credit.”

Where will this trail end? “It makes you dream of more. The first goal was a quiet season, but it seems we can dream of Play-off II and maybe more.”

Play off II. That must be a lapse, right? “No, first Play-off II and only then can you dream of more.”


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