Carolina Marín is already in Huelva to become the ambassador of the Absolute World Badminton World Cup


The Huelva athlete Carolina Marín is already in Huelva from this Monday to become the ambassador of the Absolute World Badminton World Cup that started last Sunday at the Sports Palace that bears her name, and which will be played until December 19 in her city native.

The three-time world champion and Olympic champion, who the delay in recovering from her injury has finally prevented her from participating in this championship, has not wanted to miss the World Cup event in her hometown, although this time she will do so from the stands and not from track.

The mayor of Huelva, Gabriel Cruz, who accompanied Carolina Marín upon her arrival at the Sports Palace, thanked her for her presence at “a World Cup that was launched with the dream of seeing our champion win her fourth title and that, Despite not having their participation, it will continue to be a tribute to those who have taken the name of Huelva to the top ”.

“These days the leading badminton figures are going to have a luxurious spectator in the box, where I am sure Carolina will feel the enormous affection of the whole city,” he stressed.


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