Camila Astorga and Rosita Quilodrán won bronze medal in the South American Badminton – El Deportero

Team Chile achieved a bronze medal in the South American Badminton, which was held between December 1 and 5 in Joinville, Brazil.

Camila Astorga and Rosita Quilodrán won the bronze medal in the doubles competition of the female category Sub 17. The national duo fell in the semifinal round against Brazilians Isabella Noda and Priscila Harumi Chikaraishi, by sets of 23-25 ​​and 19-21.

The South American was largely dominated by Brazil, a delegation that won the vast majority of categories, both in adults and in minor categories.

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Written by Daniel Arellano
Source: Tournament Software
Photo: Twitter IND Chile


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