Besnik Hasi finds it strange that Riddersholm did not take over at Genk

Besnik Hasi is now the longest-serving coach in Saudi Arabia. The ex-trainer of Genk and Anderlecht, among others, is still thinking about a return and follows the competition closely. He had done a few things differently at Genk, for example.

“Genk could have sold Onuachu better. It was impossible to repeat such an exceptional season. They made that boy crazy and in the end he was unable to secure a transfer. He was never able to completely get over that. And what is it with Bongonda? Fantastic months in which he is decisive and then he is gone,” he says in HLN.

And then there is the appointment of Bernd Storck. “If it really was a lack of discipline, he will fix it. I thought it was strange that they first took John’s right arm by firing Dennis Haar. Then put a T2 with the record of a T1 next to him. Everyone – also the board – had expected Riddersholm to take over. But analysts and journalists already had their bazookas ready, so they opted for a new T1.”


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