Basketball: the Idk wins and continues dreaming

IDK Euskotren69


IDK EUSKOTREN Laura Cornelius (15), Cvitkovic (5), Mariam Coulibaly (10), Harden (10 and Brown (9) – starting five -, Yurena Díaz (4), Ane Esnal (2), Madden (3), María España ( eleven).

INNOVA TSN LEGANÉS Amy Okonkwo (17), Tate (14), Muhate (9), Jespersen (49 and Hermida (4) – starting five -, Laura García (8), Sara María Sánchez and Koizar (2).

Partial 18-13, 16-16, 15-19 and 20-10.

Referees Munar, Gómez and Lázaro.

Incidents Game played at Gasca, corresponding to the twelfth round of the league.

Donostia – IDK Euskotren can continue dreaming of playing in the Queen’s Cup after achieving their third consecutive victory yesterday. The Gipuzkoans beat Innova TSN Leganés at Gasca after dominating the match at all times thanks to a great defense (69-58).

The starting five of the Gipuzkoan club, made up of Cvitkovic, Cornelius, Coulibaly, Harden and Brown, jumped to the ground of Gasca hungry from the first second, and Brown opened the scoring for IDK Euskotren with a triple heeled, replicating the first two points Scored by Leganés. Three triples in five minutes from the locals put the first points ahead, but the visitors, through Okonwo’s interior irruptions, stayed alive in the game, ending the first quarter losing 18-13.

The equality was maintained in the second ten minutes, with the two teams not very successful in the outside shots. Despite the great performance of María España for the IDK, the set ended with a draw (16-16) and a cumulative result of 34-29.

Leganés reduced the difference in the third quarter with a 15-19 run that left the scoreboard 49-48 before the last ten minutes.

With everything to be decided in the last ten minutes, both teams went for it. The IDK made the difference with the outside shots and ended up taking an income of ten points that allowed them to secure the victory before visiting Cadí La Seu.

lEB ORO Acunsa GBC will host ICG Força Lleida today in Illunbe (6:00 pm). The donostiarras will try to win to close the gap with a rival who has seven wins and three defeats under his belt.



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