basketball / PRO B. Saint-Vallier passes three at home

Saint-Vallier only doubted 4 minutes and 17 seconds. The time that Quimper makes a great start (12-5). From there, Philippe Namyst’s players, as often at home, unrolled their basketball against Bretons totally overwhelmed. In the wake of Florent Tortosa (10 pts) and Marcos Suka-Umu (11 pts – 7 assists), the SVBD quickly recovered, before taking the yellow jersey on an award-winning shot from the Spanish rear (13-12, 5e ). The former Lille player put it back just after Laurent Foirest’s time-out to create a first gap. He was one of the great architects of Drôme success. With this 3e consecutive home success, Saint-Vallier is giving air to the bottom of the standings.

Demond Watt en double-double

Once in front, the Drômois …


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