Barakaldo CF: Lander Torrealdai: «In Barakaldo I have felt that I am valued»

Lander Torrealdai talks about his last experience at Gernika and his recent signing for Barakaldo / PERU OLAZABAL

The Gernikarra signed for the manufacturing entity last week after ending a 19-year stint at Gernika where “limits of respect had been exceeded,” he explains.

The departure of the three Gernika captains in the middle of the season was a surprise and a very well-known case in Biscayan football. Lander Torrealdai was the longest-serving captain of the three, who ended up signing for Barakaldo. The 33-year-old Gernikarra midfielder indicates that in the team where he is already a historical player, “limits of respect for people had been exceeded” and acknowledges that it hurt him not to feel supported by the club when he considered that they were not being fair with he. Now he has decided to join the ranks of the factory cadre, where he has once again felt valued.

– How did you experience the months you were at Gernika this season?

Well, it was a very difficult start to the season for the three captains. We have not felt treated as we think any footballer or person deserves. It was very difficult for me to make the decision to leave and I thought about it a lot because, of the last twenty years, I have spent 19 at Gernika. It makes you angry and sad to leave a club where you have been for so long, but the limits of respect for people had been exceeded, so it was a necessary step.

– What has to happen for a Gernikarra with more than 400 games in the club to end up making that decision?

Well, our conditions were not to play or not to play. It was to feel part of the group or a minimum of respect that did not occur. We communicated it to the club and they bet on other people instead of the three captains who between us have spent many years at Gernika. After so many years, not feeling supported when things were not fair with us, it hurt me. I think that time is proving us right because recently the second coach has also left the club.

– What does Gernika mean for Lander Torrealdai?

It is the club of all my life. For many, their team is Athletic, for me it has always been and will be Gernika. I understand that Gernika has to be a club of the people and for the people. When that essence is lost, you move away from that team that you have always been. I know it is not easy because the ambition to climb categories is always there and that makes it difficult for people from the town to be in the first team. I would like to come back one day and be able to say goodbye to Gernika after so many years, because leaving like this I think is not good for us or for the club.

– So, at the end of November he starts training with Barakaldo. How did this link arise and how were the first contacts?

David Lara, Barakaldo’s second coach, is from Gernika and has trained in the club’s lower categories all his life like I have, so I had a relationship with him. He told me to see if I was encouraged to train with them and I started doing it twice a week. Little by little I began to feel good, I was comfortable with the team and I signed when they made me the offer to play.

– It was officially introduced just over a week ago. What made you choose Barakaldo?

At Barakaldo I have felt that I am valued, they treat me well and have good details with me. Also, when you start training here, you see Lasesarre and the social mass and it catches your attention. It was the treatment I received that made me not hesitate to sign for this team. I am at an age where I know that I am not going to live off football and I saw that I could enjoy myself here.

“It is not the Barakaldo of other years”

– What costumes and squad have you found upon arrival? What do you think is the goal they can fight for?

Arriving in a new changing room, so young and having such a good reception is appreciated. Our goal must be to be a competitive team, stand up in every game we have and we must also be realistic. He is not the Barakaldo of other years who, when he was in Third, was one of the roosters. The budget will be mid-table, but it is not in the top five. We have to know where we are. Now we are in the fight and I hope to continue like this until the end of the season. Our value that other teams do not have is the social mass and Lasesarre.

– What can Lander Torrealdai contribute to this Barakaldo?

I would like to contribute on and off the field. When you are a certain age, you know that you must assume other roles and contribute your experience from other years. There are many young people here, I must help them on their way as there is a good atmosphere. Then when it’s time to play, I’ll do my best.

– He was only unemployed for a month, so the physical adaptation will have been easier.

I have been fairly unemployed for a month because I was training with the Gernika futsal team, going to crossfit, playing paddle tennis and I did a mid-mountain marathon, so I was not completely stopped. Although I still notice that I have not caught that point, which is difficult for me.



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