Badminton World Championships national badminton three events into the semi-finals_Final_Zhang Yiman_He Bingjiao

Original Title: National Badminton World Championships into the semifinals in three events

Badminton World Championships national badminton three events into the semi-finals

In the early morning of December 18th, Beijing time, the 2021 World Badminton Championships in Huelva, Spain ended the quarter-finals of all five individual events. The Chinese badminton team still has the possibility of winning the women’s singles, women’s doubles and men’s doubles. Women’s singles He Bingjiao and teenager Zhang Yiman both reached the semifinals, and the women’s doubles Chen Qingchen/Jia Yifan also made it into the semifinals. For the men’s team, the doubles only seedlings He Jiting/Tan Qiang performed bravely and successfully advanced, while the men’s singles were all eliminated.

He Bingjiao belongs to the second number of Chinese female feathers. After the Olympic champion Chen Yufei gave up the qualification for the World Championships, she naturally became the leader of the women’s team in Spain. Ranked 9th in the world, she was in the quarter-finals. China ushered in a “civil war” with the 22-year-old young teammate Han Yue, who is currently ranked 30th in the world, and lacks compared with He Bingjiao in terms of technology and experience. The result of this game was 2-0, and He Bingjiao advanced smoothly. She will play against Chinese Taipei star Dai Ziying in the semifinals.

Another semi-finalist was Zhang Yiman, who participated in the World Championships for the first time. As an unseeded player in this tournament, Zhang Yiman made it through all the way and reached the quarterfinals without being optimistic about it. In the quarter-finals against Thai star Intanon, Zhang Yiman was still looked down upon because of his lack of strength and reputation before the game. However, the results of the game were surprising again. Zhang Yiman, who had only won the Military Games championship once before and had no other dazzling record, came up behind 2-1, beheaded Intanon and advanced to the semi-finals. Zhang Yiman’s opponent in the semifinals was Akane Yamaguchi, a Japanese player who is known for his tenacious style.

In the women’s doubles event, China only has a pair of Chen Qingchen and Jia Yifan. In the quarter-finals, they encountered a pair of Japanese players Chiyo Shida and Nami Matsuyama. The previous record of the two sides was 2 wins and 2 losses. However, after winning the runner-up in the Tokyo Olympics, the “mortal combination” has significantly improved in mentality and technology. When they met again this time, the two took the advantage in the game, and they won the two cities in a row and won 2-0. Especially in the second game, the “Various Dust Combination” scored a climax of 12 to 1 under the unfavorable situation of 9-16 lagging behind. They defeated the opponent and advanced to the semi-finals. In the next game, the two Chinese girls will still meet the Japanese team and old rivals Mayu Matsumoto/Wakana Nagahara.

With Zhao Junpeng’s 1-2 loss to India’s Laksia Sen in the quarter-finals, the national feather men’s singles were all eliminated and no player entered the semi-finals. However, in the men’s doubles quarter-finals that ended at the latest local time, the only remaining Chinese pair He Jiting/Tan Qiang played against Malaysia’s Wu Weisheng/Chen Weiqiang. They beat themselves by winning 2-0. Opponents who were 10 places higher successfully advanced to the semi-finals, keeping a glimmer of hope for the Chinese male feathers to win gold.

Text/Reporter Liu Ailin

【Edit: Ye Pan】 Return to Sohu to see more


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