Aubin Assogba for a new mandate – Matin Libre

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The Beninese badminton family will meet this Thursday, December 23, 2021, to renew the national executive board. Outgoing president Aubin Assogba is the only candidate for the presidential chair. A General Assembly which promises to be one of continuity.

The Beninese Badminton Federation (FBBa), following the call for candidates, on compliance with the texts governing the body, made public the list of candidates registered by post (13 in total). In addition to the post of president, the body will have three Vice-presidents from the South, Center and North zones. A Secretary General and his deputy. There is a General Treasurer and an assistant. An Organization Manager, with two assistants. And two representatives of the referees and a female member. On the list, competition is expected: for the post of Vice-President South (two candidates); Deputy Secretary General (two candidates) and the first person in charge of the organization.

The works of the outgoing president, always available for the development of the discipline since his arrival in Benin, command admiration. Which probably explains the absence of challengers.



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