Arrests in Berlin and other federal states: Raid against people smugglers – Non-EU citizens exploited in logistics centers – Berlin

Since early Wednesday morning, the authorities have been taking action nationwide against a suspected smuggler gang who brought migrants to Germany with false papers and allowed them to work illegally in logistics centers for little money. The Berlin public prosecutor spoke of “internationally organized illegal work” by a Russian-German gang.

The federal police and customs raided more than 50 apartments, business premises, logistics centers and the living quarters of workers in twelve federal states. The raid focused on Berlin and Brandenburg, where 18 objects were searched. Three arrest warrants were executed in Berlin and Brandenburg, others in Bremen and Lower Saxony.

Eight men aged 32 to 62 and a 42 year old woman were arrested. The alleged head of the gang, a 49-year-old man, and a 62-year-old tax advisor were arrested in Bremen, and a 47-year-old in Lower Saxony.

At the same time, assets amounting to 19 million euros were confiscated by a judicial arrest order. More than 80 bank accounts were secured in Germany and abroad, and the investigators also confiscated various properties, high-quality vehicles and other luxury goods. In addition, the officers confiscated extensive evidence, including documents, storage media and mobile phones, as well as cash amounting to around 90,000 euros.

During the large-scale operation, 275 people were also found who had allegedly been smuggled into Germany as temporary workers by the gang. With these people, the “residence status is unclear”, there is “suspicion of unauthorized residence and unauthorized work,” declared the authorities.

According to the federal police at noon, 2200 forces from the federal police, customs and the technical relief organization were involved in the operation.


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