Anning City’s 4th “Hundred Flowers Cup” Basketball Tournament kicks off-China Daily

The 4th “Hundred Flowers Cup” Basketball Tournament in Anning City kicked off (photo courtesy)

The 4th “Hundred Flowers Cup” Basketball Tournament in Anning City kicked off (photo courtesy)

The 4th “Hundred Flowers Cup” Basketball Tournament in Anning City kicked off (photo courtesy)

The 4th “Hundred Flowers Cup” Basketball Tournament in Anning City kicked off (photo courtesy)

In order to further promote the construction of health and tranquility, comprehensively improve the physique and health of the people of Anning City, and strive to achieve the coordinated development of Anning Sports and the national economy and social undertakings. On December 19th, the 4th “Hundred Flowers Cup” Basketball Tournament of Anning City officially opened in the People’s Square of Anning City. From now until the 28th, the participating teams will compete fiercely on the stadium.

The scene of the opening ceremony was extremely lively. There are traditional lion dance performances, full of auspicious and festive flavors; there are also cheerleading performances that integrate entertainment, fitness, dance, and music, full of the power of youthful dance. And the “fancy dunk show” performed by the famous Yunnan dunk performers drew exclaims and pushed the atmosphere to a climax.

It is understood that the Anning “Hundred Flowers Cup” basketball game began in 1982, and has been held for 16 consecutive times until 1997. After being suspended for 21 years, the competition will resume in 2019, inheriting the classics. In 2021, under the care and guidance of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, the “Hundred Flowers Cup” basketball game will be upgraded on the original basis and its influence will be expanded.

A total of 50 teams participated in this competition, including 39 men’s teams and 11 women’s teams. Among them, the men’s group is divided into 8 groups, and the competition is staged. In the first stage, the round-robin competition was divided into groups, and 16 teams with one or two workers from each group were decided to enter the second stage. In the second stage, the elimination system was adopted, and the 8 winning teams used the elimination system to decide 1-8. The women’s group is divided into 2 groups, and the competition is divided into stages. The first stage is divided into groups and a round of competition. A total of 8 teams from the top four in each group are determined to enter the second stage of the competition. In the second stage, the eight teams will adopt the elimination system and decide 1-8.

In the morning, the high-profile Anning City’s 4th “Hundred Flowers Cup” Basketball Tournament kicked off in People’s Square. The two teams in the battle were the CPC Anning Municipal Party Committee Office and the Anning Municipal Agriculture and Rural Bureau. In the fierce competition, the Anning Municipal Party Committee Office of the Communist Party of China finally maintained its lead and defeated its opponent Agricultural and Rural Affairs Bureau with a score of 48:40 in the final game.

The competition was sponsored by the Anning City Education and Sports Bureau, the Anning Municipal People’s Government Lianran Sub-district Office, and co-organized by the Anning Federation of Trade Unions, the Anning Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League, and the Anning Women’s Federation. (China Daily Yunnan reporter station)

【Editor in charge: Yellow River】


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